Re: [Frameworks] HD editing on a non-Intel Mac under Tiger?

From: Dinorah de Jesús Rodriguez (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Oct 17 2010 - 11:59:43 PDT

thanks so much David!
big round of applause for this list.

enjoy today...

Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez
Multimedia Artist

On Oct 17, 2010, at 8:25 AM, David Tetzlaff wrote:

> Dinorah:
>> I have been having trouble accessing some footage that a friend shot
>> for me recently on a new HD camera. I have not been able to open it
>> in either QuickTime or FCP. I am working on a new Intel-Mac running
>> OS10.6.4 and FCP7.
> There are many different kinds of HD: HDV, HDCAM, DVCPRO-HD, XDCAM....
> and then within these larger formats there are variations: different
> resolutions, GOP structures etc.
>> Being primarily a 16mm person, all of this digital knowledge is new
>> to me, so bear with me if this is an ignorant question, but how do I
>> access ProRes 422?
> Download MPEG Streamclip (it's free). Open your source file. Chose
> 'Export to Quicktime'. Select "ProRes422" (regular, not the HQ
> version) from the drop-down menu of all the codecs. Leave the frame-
> rate and resolution as they are in the source file.
> Or, if you have Final Cut Studio, you can do it in Compressor, though
> you'll have to read the manual to figure out the settings.
>> Another question I have is about exporting the files once I
>> successfully manage to edit this footage alongside regular SD
>> footage. What is the best setting to use when exporting the files
>> so they retain their HD quality, but can also be viewed on any
>> standard monitor and/or project correctly in non-HD projectors as
>> well as HD?
> Either your output is HD, or it's not. You'll want to make two output
> masters of your finished project: one in ProRes HD (same settings as
> in the timeline), and one in SD. Then, for any particular form of
> exhibition, you make copies in the required playback format from one
> of those masters.
> ---
> Malgosia:
> Bernd is right. You won't be able to work with MPEG4 files directly.
> You'll have to convert them. Such is the case for editing even with
> much newer and more powerful computers. MPEG4 is a delivery only
> format, not a working format.
>> And is there any version of Final Cut that would run on a G4 under
>> Tiger, and work with HD 1080 video in the form of Mpeg-4 files?
> No. Compressing and decompressing the MPEG-4 at playback speed is more
> than a G4 cpu can handle. How old is the G4, and what's the CPU speed?
> If it's one of the later models, you should be OK converting to
> ProRes422 and working with that. I think you'd need/want FCP v. 5, but
> 4.5 might work as well.
> There are several iMovie alternatives: MediaEdit, Norkross Movie,
> FastCut... I can't speak to the specific capabilities of any of them.
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enjoy today...

Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez
Multimedia Artist

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