Re: [Frameworks] Experimental Media for Middle and High School Students

From: email suppressed
Date: Fri Oct 22 2010 - 10:07:22 PDT

There are lots of films you can show- I don't have specific suggestions there but one activity I did with kindergartners years back  was bleaching out old super 8 ( i did that part )  and let  them color on it with markers, it's a tangible way for them to see 24 frames per second and exciting each and everytime you project it.... just a thought for an introduction to experimental film. obviously you can show some kid appropriate brakhage and harry smith as a lead in....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Capone" <email suppressed>
To: email suppressed
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 9:51:33 AM
Subject: [Frameworks] Experimental Media for Middle and High School Students

Hi Frameworkers,

     I am teaching video production to Middle and High School (Ages
11-21) at risk inner city students through the city parks.  Each park
location has a specific emphasis and I am being encouraged to teach
experimental video production.  I am currently developing a curriculum
for them and I would appreciate any suggestions of age appropriate
projects or film/videos to get them to think creatively.

Jonathan Capone
FrameWorks mailing list
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