Re: [Frameworks] Extremely Long Exposures - for Months and Years

From: Maik Kleinschmidt (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Nov 02 2010 - 05:18:47 PDT

A really interesting topic, the images are intriguing.
For a month-long or year-long exposure I suppose a very strong ND filter,
and a special type of film with a very low ISO rating would be required -
not that have heard of either, unfortunately.


On 2 November 2010 11:40, Aditya Mandayam <email suppressed> wrote:

> Hello, I am interested in making extremely long exposures: of the
> order of many months, perhaps a few years.
> E.g:
> I asked this question on as well:
> I would like to know how to meter for such long exposures. What amount
> of light does one assume? Average brightness of a day over a year?
> Thank you.
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