[Frameworks] Screenings at UnionDocs

From: UnionDocs Program (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Nov 18 2010 - 12:52:54 PST

Upcoming screenings at UnionDocs!

December 4th: Nagai Park Elegy by Leo Sato, and on December 5th: The Fragile
Emulsion: a program of short films curated by Jon Gartenberg. Synopses
below - for full information and to purchase advance tickets, visit our
website: http://www.uniondocs.org

UnionDocs is located at:
322 Union Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211


 The Right to Live in the City: Struggles in Osaka and Film by NDS

   - Saturday, December 4th at 7:30pm $9 suggested donation
   - Ayumi Goto (NDS member) and writer Sabu Kohso present for
   post-screening discussion.
   - Nagai Park Elegy by Leo Sato
   - Japan, 2009, 63 minutes

   In 2007 the Municipal Government of Osaka was about to coercively remove
   the residents of Nagai Park, with the pretext of beautification of the city
   for the World Championship of Athletics. The residents and supporters began
   organizing various actions to protect their living space, including a
   theater performance at the site.

   NDS (Nakazato-cho Documentary Space) is a group of documentarians, based
   in Kamagasaki Osaka, the town with the biggest population of day-workers in
   Japan. NDS has been documenting urban struggles, at the same time
   participating in struggle as activists. This evening’s film is a document of
   the struggles of the people against the eviction and the loss of living
   space. The scenes you will see are of events in Osaka, but are also common
   in the cities across the world, being in constant and intensifying
   confrontation with the Empire.



    The Fragile Emulsion curated by Jon Gartenberg
      - Sunday, December 5th at 7:30pm $9 suggested donation.
      - Jon Gartenberg in attendance for discussion.

   One of the most vital and richly textured art forms threatened with
   extinction centers around the practice of avant-garde filmmaking,
   particularly in 16mm format. These filmmakers treat the celluloid film
   emulsion as a living organism: it is an organic substance, a shimmering
   silver onto which they directly imprint the delicacy of their emotions. They
   work in relative isolation, creating their films with the hand of an artist,
   rather than as products for consumption by a mass audience. The style of
   their films most frequently challenges the conventions of linear narrative.
   These filmmakers recognize not only the ephemeral nature of the celluloid
   film stock, but also the perilous state of human existence in the modern
   world. They begin with their direct experiences of everyday reality and
   often move toward a process of abstraction in their films. They filter found
   objects from the world around them, and through a wide array of filmmaking
   techniques, including use of outdated film stock, over- and underexposure,
   scratching directly on the film emulsion, re-photography, and optical
   printing – articulate distinct, individually defined processes of creation.
   They evoke spiritual visions of the world in which their own livelihood is
   inextricably linked to the vibrancy of the film emulsion – both literally
   and figuratively – as a matter of life and death. Program includes work by
   Barbara Hammer, Bill Morrison, Lewis Klahr, Warren Sonbert, and Jeff Scher.
   Curated by Jon Gartenberg (archivist, programmer and distributor). Program
   runtime is 73 minutes.

*Amy Grumbling*
Associate Programmer
322 Union Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11211

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