From: andrew lennox (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 04 2011 - 09:48:05 PST
Hi David,
Not sure if you are still interested but LIFT has, as of August, 2 custom built
16/35 loopers. They are quite nice and reasonably priced at $60 CAN/week. They
are also quite large. I'm not positive but they look like they could
accommodate about 2000ft of 16mm so I would guess maybe 1000ft of 35mm (it might
even be more, the footprint of the base plate is about 2' x 2').
As for the analyst, I forgot to ask, sorry, but like i said, i know they do
have one in repair. I also have one that I need to repair. It is a kodak
athena. Unfortunately, it is in San Francisco right now. I intend to bring it
back in June. Assuming it is repairable, you are welcome to use it for as long
as necessary. Not sure if this is helpful but i just thought i'd try to give
you some options.
Also, I thought this might be interesting for other frameworkers as well as I
have seen many posts by people looking to rent loopers. here is LIFT's site for
future reference:
happy filmmaking in 2011,
ps. LIFT also has a great artist-in-residence program. There's lots of gear
there that is difficult for artists to access in most other cities, Niagara
Custom Lab is dedicated to artist films and the film community in Toronto is
very appreciative of the opportunity to learn from visiting artists.
From: Kim Knowles <email suppressed>
To: email suppressed
Sent: Tue, January 4, 2011 7:51:56 AM
Subject: [Frameworks] Call for submissions: Black (address suppressed) International
Film Festival
Dear Frameworkers,
BLACK BOX at Edinburgh International Film Festival invites experimental
submissions of any length, both film (16mm, 35mm) and video.
BLACK BOX is EIFF's dedicated platform for showcasing experimental cinema from
around the world. 2010 saw screenings of films by Tomonari Nishikawa, David
Gatten, Robert Todd, Mike Hoolboom, Daichi Saito, Janis Crystal Lipzin, Thorsten
Fleisch, Eileen Richardson and many others. BB particularly welcomes celluloid
in all forms, shapes and sizes (except, sadly, 8mm)!
As of 2011, EIFF submission fees extend to experimental film, but fee waivers
are available for Frameworkers. Just get in touch with me directly before you
Festival dates: June 15-26, 2011
Submission deadlines:
Early bird: Monday January 31, 2011
Late: Monday February 14, 2011
Submission process:
I'll be in Rotterdam from January 26 - 31 if you're planning to be there and
want to avoid postage costs too! Looking forward to seeing you and/or your
Kim Knowles
Curator, Black Box
FrameWorks mailing list
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