From: Amanda Christie (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jan 19 2011 - 19:17:46 PST
Touch: sensuous theory and multisensory media by Laura U. Marks was
actually the first one that sprung to my mind, but Marcy already
recommended it. From that book if you are just looking for excerpts
I'll highly recommend a few of my favourite chapters:
from section II: Haptics and Erotics...
"Here's Gazing at You: Films by Ken Jacobs" and
"Love the One You're With: Straight Women, Gay Porn, and the Scene of
Erotic Looking"
and from section III: Olfactory Haptics...
"The Logic of Smell" and
"Institute Benjamenta: an Olfactory View"
a couple of other good books on the subject include:
The Skin of the Film: Intercultural Cinema, Embodiment, and the
Senses (also by Laura U. Marks)
Carnal Thoughts: Embodiment and Moving Image Culture by Vivian Sobchack
Amanda Dawn Christie
email suppressed
visit the profile for my latest film project in progress at:
On 19-Jan-11, at 8:35 PM, Marcy Saude wrote:
> Touch: Sensuous Theory And Multisensory Media- Laura U. Marks
> Addresses media from Ken Jacobs, Sadie Benning, Fred Wiseman,
> Miranda July, Phil Solomon, indigenous media makers and net artists
> and, well, lots of stuff. I don't buy all of her arguments, but it's
> a refreshing approach and definitely one your student should check
> out.
> The Tactile Eye: Touch and the Cinematic Experience- Jennifer M.
> Barker
> This one is a compliment, I think, to the Linda Williams Gender/
> Genre/ Excess article someone else recommended, which is really great.
> -Marcy
> From: jeanne LIOTTA <email suppressed>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
> Sent: Wed, January 19, 2011 3:33:37 PM
> Subject: [Frameworks] researching
> Hello FW'ers
> I am advising a student who is doing research on the relationship on
> the cinematic experience to the physiological--any advice on texts
> to offer ?
> --
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