[Frameworks] Super 8 developing (E-6)

From: Kevin Timmins (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jan 21 2011 - 01:59:12 PST

Hi, firstly I want to thank everyone for all the advice from previous posts! Couldn't have developed my Super 8 films without you :)
I have six more films for processing now... three ektachrome 64t's and three ektachrome 100d's. I'm developing two films at a time in my Lomo tank so my question is can I load a 64t and a 100d film into the same tank at the same time for developing? Are all the steps for developing 100d film exactly the same as for 64t (I've only ever worked with 64t in the past you see).
Any advice, greatly appreciated! BestKevin

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