From: miriam sampaio (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Feb 21 2011 - 14:48:20 PST
thank you so very much!
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:35:13 -0800
From: email suppressed
To: email suppressed
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Question
if she is using the , what is it? 350W JK light source at 100-110v, a good starting point for "properly" exposed normal density reversal image would be F/16 w/ ND.6 and the diffusion glass.
this would be my start with the 7213 200T and color reversal. neg film has large latitude, so i would run a test perhaps with the above suggestions.
--- On Mon, 2/21/11, miriam sampaio <email suppressed> wrote:
From: miriam sampaio <email suppressed>
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Question
To: email suppressed
Date: Monday, February 21, 2011, 4:51 PM
Hey everyone
I have a or many questions for you. I have a friend who is optically printing color Super 8 film onto Vision 7213 16mm color film. Usually one can know the color filter combinations based on the film. Her source is several types of super 8 and 8mm if I am not mistaken - archival footage from Eastern European and 16mm film from Russia also from the 60s. Does anyone have any suggestions about what color filters and ND filters she can begin using?
Thank you so much!
Miriam Sampaio
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