Hello Amanda,
I've used a man here in Manhattan named John Miroddi of Miroddi
Kodaliths are a very small part of his business, as you can imagine, and he
prefers to deal in cash. He is a very nice guy and I recommend him.
Best of luck with your project,
On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Amanda Christie <
amanda_at_amandadawnchristie.ca> wrote:
> Hello Frameworkers,
> I'm still on the hunt for actual kodaliths... I'm sure someone must
> still print them in New York, Montreal, or Toronto. Does anyone have
> any leads?
> If not... can anyone recommend substitutes? The black transparencies
> made for silkscreen printing? I used transparencies made at a copy
> shop last time and it was no good... My film (the one with the car
> crash and wild animals in the cold cold winter) is done... but the
> credits are fucked and I need to reshoot... I really want to reshoot
> properly this time... just because re-neg-cutting and reprinting a 10
> minute 35mm film with sound is pricey... so I don't want to take any
> unnecessary risks or experiments this time.
> Thanks so much!
> Amanda Dawn Christie
> --------------------------------
> 506-871-2062
> www.amandadawnchristie.ca
> amanda_at_amandadawnchristie.ca
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Caryn Cline
Filmmaker and Teacher
New York City and Seattle, WA
FrameWorks mailing list
Received on Sat Apr 09 2011 - 07:45:37 CDT