I am working on a series of ads right now and this is EXACTLY the way the idea was generated, although it was ANOTHER ad they were copying.
Cineworks once published something by Peg Campbell, regarding her giving up on avant-garde because she didn't want to be the farm team for the advertising industry or something... can't find it online to cite, I think it was in print in Sprocket.
* FLICK's WEBSITE & BLOG: http://www.flickharrison.com
On 2011-03-29, at 15:53 , Francisco Torres wrote:
> Since the early 80s I worked with ad people for many years AND NEVER ONCE they did generate a single original idea.
> They always carired around art books with dozens of yellow post it notes marking pages for the artworks they wanted to rip off for the commercial they were currently working on. Later in the 90s they progressed to renting movies with scenes simliar to the ones they needed and editing those scenes into what they called "Creative reels" that they gave to the Prod Designer and DP to copy from.
> Ads are the rot of intellect.
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