Dear Frameworkers,
I propose to compile a list immediately, via Frameworks, of all the 16mm print work UK filmmakers will need carrying out by 1st May (some known, some realistically projected), and send this to Deluxe/Soho Film Lab, as evidence that we still present a viable economic return to them. We should include email contact for every piece of work required, so it is not just hot air, and request that the lab themselves tally up an estimate of what this would come to in total, and then they will see for themselves if this is good for their income. I will also suggest that we would be willing to accommodate a change in how they do things, for example should they make printing very part time, or even monthly. Obviously frameworkers don't constitute everybody who will need print work done in the UK, but it's a proactive step that might make a difference. If you know of anyone else who needs work done there, who isn't on Frameworks and might not get this message,
please pass this message to them and ask them to email me the work they'll need in a concise way and I'll include it (
Please email me via Frameworks (not in too much detail) what the required work is, with your email contact written below it. I will copy and paste this into a document to send to them, and will post the final version on Frameworks next week.
If people agree this is a simple and hopefully useful way of doing something immediately, please do this. We can make Sunday our deadline, giving us all 7 days to do this.
Perhaps this could help us persuade Deluxe/Soho that they can operate 16mm printing efficiently for themselves (eg part time or even monthly) to make the best out of it while still focussing on the higher income jobs - especially if the equipment is essentially the same.
Cheers - and send those jobs through asap - before Sunday!
x Martha (from Cherry Kino, Leeds)
--- On Sat, 26/2/11, Gawthrop, Rob <> wrote:
From: Gawthrop, Rob <>
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Threat to 16mm printing in the UK.
To: "Experimental Film Discussion List" <>
Date: Saturday, 26 February, 2011, 15:02
I've used them, they were prepared to run throuh some very outdated and
badly stored VNF which worked out fine. Its the minumum charges that's the
problem. If you want high-quality grading though I couldn't advise.
On 26/02/2011 14:17, "" <>
> They still do reversal processing. It's an amazing place, full of old
> equipment, and run by a dedicated man, Tony Scott, for years, but their prices
> are very high. I'm not exactly sure who their clientele is, but I don't know
> anyone who uses them on a regular basis,
> Nicky.
> On 26 Feb 2011, at 11:18, Pip Chodorov wrote:
>> Nicky, just curious if you've heard of this lab that one of the
>> Guardian comments mentions:
>> -Pip
>>> Niagara is a wonderful lab -they are doing a job for me right now-
>>> and Alpha also appears to offer a very good service, but for us in
>>> the UK, there are very few viable, affordable, alternatives.
>>> Nicky Hamlyn.
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Received on Mon Feb 28 2011 - 04:55:08 CST