Daniela, the times I use are as follows,
Fd: 6 30
Cd: 7
Bfx: 8
Stab: 1
These are for ektachrome 100d, but they have worked for older ektachrome stocks. You may also try bumping up the temp to 40 C. Hope this helps...
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Daniela Zahlner" <daniela.zahlner_at_gmx.at>
Sender: frameworks-bounces_at_jonasmekasfilms.com
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 20:12:18
To: <frameworks_at_jonasmekasfilms.com>
Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <frameworks_at_jonasmekasfilms.com>
Subject: [Frameworks] processing color print stock with E6
I tried to develop color print stock (3383) with E6.
I used the times I found in the Cherry Kino booklet:
FD 1min
CD 2min
BX 2min
stab 2min
- all 38 degrees, except stab.
it turned out a deep blue. i assumed it might be caused by using the print film in daylight, so i made another test with a orange filter - same result. also with a blue filter.
has anyone tried this and knows the correct times?
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Received on Wed Apr 13 2011 - 14:58:36 CDT