> "Are there artists either historically or contemporarily, that work in
> between these two media? In sound you will often here of engineers bouncing
> audio to tape and then back to digital in order to give it "warmth" etc. Can
> anyone list some filmmakers who do this kind of interchange in the work they
> do?"
this is what i was trying to get at in my previous post- i do this all the
for instance, my movie 'Going to the Ocean' which screened at both Views and
Sundance a number of years back, was shot on a infra-red security video
camera, edited digitally, and then re-shot to 16mm film (frame by frame off
my computer screen) - the end result was a look unattainable to either film
or video alone. the film added a softness and color tones to the otherwise
course and brutal b+w video footage. the film transfer in a sense completed
the image- if you were to just see the original video you would not be
seeing the work.
my recent project Future So Bright, which screened at last year's Views, was
shot on 16mm and transferred to HD. the transfer to HD was an important
part of the overall look and projection of the piece. i backed the scanner
head as far away from the negative as possible, so that the sprocket holes,
frame edges, and even the film edge became visible. it was like putting the
film under a microscope- it turned it into an artifact. I could have
afforded to finish the movie on 16mm, but chose to transfer it and project
on HD for purely aesthetic reasons. (and i will note that the 'movie'
caused a lot of confusion at Views, as many people in the audience believed
it was projected on 35mm film. in fact, David Gatten was so impressed with
the image quality that he is now starting to transfer his negatives to HD
for sequencing and output- the first time he has ever done so.) here is a
link if your curious:
I think Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal also fits here- it was shot on
16mm but edited digitally and mixed with mini-dv footage and flash
animation. the tonal color and image qualities i was looking for simply
could not have been captured on a video camera, but the stereo soundtrack
(which would be impossible on a film print) was equally as important to the
project. that was truly a hybrid project.
so yes, for my practice and understanding of movie making, film and video
are very interchangeable. they are both wonderful tools in the creation of
moving-image-arts that i am very happy to use. for me it is all about the
image and sound, and the ideas motivating them. Super 8, HD, slide
projectors- it's all good in my book.
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Received on Tue Aug 23 2011 - 12:04:33 CDT