Canada has set up screening fee standards with the Independent Media Arts Alliance - (under resources) for festival screenings and CARFAC ( for visual arts installations. I think they're pretty standard to distribution centre rates in most countries. You can probably use both recommended rates to figure out what the standard for an installation would be, and then modify it for your specific needs.
Our media arts advocacy organization in Alberta, the Alberta Media Arts Alliance (, has also partnered with the Epcor Centre in Calgary to run a public microcinema that shows short film works on TV screens throughout the Epcor Centre's space for a duration of three months at a time. They pay $400 per work for the three months. The works are usually between 1-10 min each and play on loop. See the call below.
-Melanie Wilmink
Alberta Artists: Short film, animation and video.
Deadline: Submissions must arrive by 4:00 on Thursday, April 28, 2011.
Gallery of Alberta Media Art (GAMA): GAMA is an exciting new microcinema programming partnership between the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS) and the EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts Visual and Media Arts Programming. Through a peer assessor selection process, GAMA will program up to 24 Alberta media artists annually running 3 months in duration. The media art appears on a television monitor located in the +15 near CKUA as well as other monitors located throughout the Centre. This project reaches a diverse population of all ages; content must be suitable for public spaces. Each of the selected proposals will receive an artist fee of $400.00.
To view examples of current GAMA programming please view the EPCOR CENTRE website at:
Address your submission to:
EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts
Attention: Tammy McGrath: Visual and Media Arts Programming: GAMA
205-8th Avenue SE, Calgary AB T2G 0K9
For all inquiries concerning GAMA please contact:
Tammy McGrath
Visual and Media Arts Programmer
EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts
Melanie Wilmink, Programming Coordinator
Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers (CSIF)
Bldg. J2, 2711 Battleford Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T3E 7L4
P: 403-205-4747
CSIF is grateful for the involvement of its members, the network of artist-run cooperatives throughout Canada and for the financial assistance of its funders: The Canada Council for the Arts; The National Film Board; The Alberta Foundation for the Arts; Calgary Arts Development.
On 2011-08-02, at 7:19 PM, matt's frameworks address wrote:
> sounds like you might be walking into the murky waters of gallery vs theatrical exhibition. both have their own quirks, and crossover can be rather confusing.
> I have seen screening fees for a 10 minute work range anywhere from free to $200. perusing the Video Data Bank website might be a good way to get a feel for common screening fees. but ultimately i think it all comes down to the filmmaker/artist and gallery coming up with something that makes sense for both parties- who benefits most from the exposure, whether other items are for sale, if an admission fee is being collected, etc.
> -matt
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Bruce Checefsky <> wrote:
> What's a fair amount to pay, a license fee, for a short 10 minute film on exhibition for 8-10 weeks? Any suggestions?
> BRUCE CHECEFSKY | Director, Reinberger Galleries
> Voice: 216-421-7407 | |
> The Cleveland Institute of Art | 11141 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106
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