I backup in this way, but its an accident of my workflow really.
I do most of my work in a node based compositor (Nuke) which pretty much insists on image sequences really. So I export all my footage into tiff sequences, work on them in Nuke on a shot-centric basis and then read them back into Premiere to edit the shots. Sometimes I do camera tracking in PFTrack and add geometry for 3D compositing, and sometimes I do roto work in Mocha, and again both applications require an image sequence. Then I render out the finished work from Premiere as a quicktime, or an avi, or whatever. So, I end up with an image sequence of my videos too. If you work this way though I'd recommend a pretty fast machine and preferably an SSD so you can playback image sequences at a speed usable to work with without having to render previews as you go. Though, I did use Framecycler for years in Nuke for previews and it was acceptable, but now I don't have to I can't believe I used to tolerate that.
The switch to Nuke was dramatic, it's only when you start working in a node based environment that you realise that staring at a timeline, and doing everything on a timeline, forces you into a mindset primarily of an editor.
From: Yoel Meranda <yoel.meranda_at_gmail.com>
To: Experimental Film Discussion List <frameworks_at_jonasmekasfilms.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2011, 0:02
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] FInal Cut Pro X
Actually, from what I know, the standard for exporting moving images without any losses in quality are image sequences. Basically, you can export any video as a sequence of TIFF, Targa, Jpeg, etc. image files. Then, if you know what the correct frame rate for that sequence is you can recreate the movie in many professional editing programs. This process is unlikely to go away any time soon, because it partly solves the problem of standardization in digital formats.
Obviously, you can't backup the sound in this way, but again, if you know the correct frame-rate and if you have a sound file that's in-sync, that's also easy to do.
Unfortunately, I know no videomakers who back up their videos in this way, I don't do it either, I keep the original Quicktime files, which are still easy to convert to image sequences...
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Received on Wed Jun 29 2011 - 02:06:59 CDT