[Frameworks] Bart Vegter (1940-2011)

From: david dinnell <david_at_aafilmfest.org>
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 11:17:13 -0400

I recently heard this; I know some on this list know Bart Vegter and
his work, and may not yet have heard this very sad news. -DD

from http://www.eyefilm.nl/en/news/filmmaker-bart-vegter-dies-at-71

"After a short illness, filmmaker Bart Vegter has died at age 71 in
his city of residence, Rotterdam.

Bart Vegter (1940, Ferwerderadeel) made his first abstract film
Horizontalen in 1981 after participating in the Cineworkshop at the
Vrije Academie in The Hague. As an autodidact, he drew inspiration
from the methods of people such as Frans Zwartjes, Paul de Mol and
Jacques Verbeek and the experimental films from the seventies and
eighties. Before he started making abstract films at the age of 40, he
studied at the Technical University Eindhoven and worked as an
electrical engineer at Shell and Philips.

While the oeuvre left behind by Bart Vegter may be modest, it is
remarkable for its meticulous craftsmanship. Vegter worked with
traditional animation techniques at first, later developing his own
personal style through computer programmes he wrote himself for his
last films such as Nachtlicht, Space-Modulation, Forest-Views and
Zwerk. De tijd (2008) was his last film."
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Received on Mon Aug 08 2011 - 08:17:51 CDT