[Frameworks] re-filming off a screen

From: Letitia Calin <letitia.calin_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 23:34:10 +0100

Hello Frameworkers!

Has anyone attempted this before? I would like to try transferring digital
film unto 16mm - DIY style. I am shooting on 16mm, transferring it unto
digital in order to edit it and then I would like to get it back onto film.
I was thinking of filming it off a screen/wall but I wonder what would be
best ( tv screen, computer monitor, projection screen, projection on wall)
and how big the projection should be. I would like to film it in colour but
have no idea what type of stock I should use. Any advice would be greatly
appreciated!! Thanks!



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Received on Mon May 16 2011 - 15:34:27 CDT