> every definition I've looked up for 'analog" connects it to a fundamentally electronic
Well, I can say with confidence that those definitions are incorrect. An analog process is one that uses ANY means to reproduce or record changes in phenomenon by creating an analog of those changes in another medium. A victrola or an edison wax cylinder, purely mechanical, are analog devices. A clock with rotating hands is an analog device, as is a sundial. Before the invention of the triode vacuum tube, there were purely mechanical analog amplifiers (a diaphram vibrating with the low volume sound wave operated a valve that replicated that wave - more or less - in a high pressure air stream (they didn't work very well). Ink pen and rotating drum seismographs are analog recorders, and so on.
The question of definitions, of course, does not resolve the point you are making. There may well be key differences between electronic analog technology and mechanical analog technology in general, and certainly there are important distinctions between analog electronic image recording and analog photomechanical image recording. But they are both unquestionably analog processes, so you'll just need to clarify your points by adding the extra word, 'analog electronic,' vs. 'analog photochemical' vs. 'digital electronic' imaging.
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Received on Thu Aug 25 2011 - 18:06:25 CDT