I was not suggesting that films should be viewed in the way the kids
today seem to prefer (with split attention). I have noticed college
students in cinema studies classes seem have much more difficulty than I
do sitting silently in the dark and watching a film from beginning to
end. I attribute this to the effect of contemporary technology on the
mind. How many of you have noticed that during a film projection, in
the darkness, there are smaller competing rectangles of light floating
in front of various audience members?
On 7/16/2011 3:02 PM, Fred Camper wrote:
> Quoting gregg biermann<mubbazoo_at_optonline.net>:
>> Fred,
>> I agree. If you think about the metaphor of Windows itself -- the
>> implication is that your attention is, practically by default, split
>> between multiple processes and events happening simultaneously on
>> screen....
> And recent studies have shown that when people "multi-task," they
> don't do the separate tasks very well.
> I don't want to preclude the idea that divided and interrupted
> attention might be interesting, and might lead to interesting art. My
> point is that it makes the older type of attention, the type required
> for say Bach's "The Art of the Fugue" or a great older poem or novel,
> of "The Art of Vision," less likely. Viewing art alone and in silence,
> and also with the inner solitude of a mind aware of the finest details
> of the experience and their multiple shades and suggestions and
> implications, that's something really important to me. And I think
> it's the best way to view the films of Markopoulos, Brakhage, Breer,
> Frampton, Gehr, and so many others...
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
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Received on Sun Jul 17 2011 - 07:54:27 CDT