As far as I know, the Apple Pro App world doesn't support blu-ray.
BR authoring on DVDSP isn't possible.
You would have to use Toast with BR tools, and buy an external blu-ray burner (or replace your internal burner with a blu-ray one) which may or may not allow you to combine different formats into one disk, but if it does, it would probably re-encode them all at the burning stage to be the same format, i.e. BR if that's what you're burning. It may not do any visible harm to the image quality, so you'd have to experiment.
Toast's menu / layout options are pretty limited, and they've cut out the least cheezy stock menus as time has gone by.
People have suggested on these forums using a BD-R and leaving the files on the disk as raw data, playing them back as you would avi's or qt files off a DVD-R.
That way all the files would be in the highest-quality, without re-endocing, but you'd have to test your player to make sure it could play them all without glitches or hiccups. Instead of a menu, though, you'd have a file list. Best thing then would be to include 5 seconds or so of black before each video, so that you could cue it up and pause it with the projector dowsed, then de-dowse and hit play. You'd need a second monitor at the operator's station to see the menu...
PS - there are a bunch of blu-ray export / burning options in the mac pro apps (compressor) but I've never tried them; they are probably plain-vanilla and similar to Toast in their limitations.
PPS - have you re-considered using a laptop yet? It would play them all, with a playlist in VLC... operator's monitor built-in, backup battery just in case- it's the best way...
On 2011-06-02, at 08:29 , Freya wrote:
> AFAIK blu-ray supports SD format resolutions, so if they are independent works, they could be stored at their native resolutions and they could be implemented in a "play all" type fashion.
> Of course authoring that might be a load of suffering, never tried it.
> love
> Freya
> --- On Wed, 6/1/11, mark williams <> wrote:
>> From: mark williams <>
>> Subject: [Frameworks] combining SD and HD
>> To:
>> Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2011, 9:52 PM
>> Hello Frameworkers,
>> Just curious if anyone has any thoughts on the technical
>> issues of combining individual SD and HD video works on a
>> single BluRay disk?
>> Basically I am wanting to present a single programme
>> screening of 6 videos in a series of improvised spaces. I
>> have the individual works as files, but for various reasons
>> I can't screen off computer. As I need to be mobile BluRay
>> seems a good solution.
>> I am unsure of the exact specs of the files, I only know
>> some are SD and others HD. Any problems with 'bumping up'
>> the SD works to play back on the BluRay? Anything to watch
>> out for? We will probably use Final Cut.
>> all thoughts and comments appreciated!
>> best,
>> Mark
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Received on Thu Jun 02 2011 - 11:42:55 CDT