[Frameworks] Wildlife Preserve film series in Boston

From: Mariya Nikiforova <mariya_at_radonlake.com>
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 19:16:54 -0400

A new film series begins this Monday, July 11th, and runs every week through
September 26th in the parking lot of Lyndell's Bakery in Central Square.

With the help of a number of local micro-cinema curators, filmmakers,
collectors, and friends, we've put together 12 straight weeks of works that
are not readily available or might not be seen otherwise. We'll be bringing
you a mixture of cinematic esoterica, ephemeral films, multimedia
performances, documentary, animation, and avant-garde works by local
artists. Opening up our summer outdoor film series at Lyndell's bakery, we
have *the Super Cops*.

Shortly after the success of his widely popular film *Shaft*, director
Gordon Parks made this gem, a 70s buddy-cop movie with hot-pants and
mustaches abound. The film was based on the true story of rookie officers
David Greenberg and Robert Hantz, dubbed "the real life Batman and Robin"
for their exploits fighting drug pushers and crooked cops on the streets of
Bedford-Stuyvesant, in Brooklyn.

A quick google search, however, reveals the sad reality. Following the
release of the film, Hantz ("Robin") resigned from the force after being
charged with possession of 4 (count 'em, four) marijuana cigarettes while on
vacation. Greenberg ("Batman") was sentenced to 4 years in prison in 1990
for defrauding multiple insurance companies of over $600,000. In the real
world, as it turns out, there are no superheroes.

Released very briefly on VHS,* the Super Cops *is presented here in glorious
16mm, thanks to Adam Van Voorhis.

Lyndell's Bakery is located at 74 Prospect Street, Cambridge, MA. Films
start around 8:30PM (or as soon as it gets dark.) For more info about the
Wildlife Preserve, and a complete schedule of the seasons programs, go to
radonlake.com/wildlife <http://www.radonlake.com/wildlife>.

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Received on Fri Jul 08 2011 - 16:17:24 CDT