We've posted this for the "This Week....", however since it's on Saturday we
wanted to give those of you in town a few days notice. Su also currently
has stills, work notebooks and other objects related to her films as well as
early photographs and new filmstrip prints and digital collage on exhibit at
the gallery. The show runs through June 6th.
SAT 5.21, 7PM
79 minute program
Admission $6
reservations recommended at info_at_microscopegallery.com
Filmmaker Su Friedrich joins us to present a 79 minute program of 3 short
highly personal works: "Rules of the Road", "The Head of a Pin", & "Seeing
Red." The works -- 1 on 16mm film & 2 on video – previously screened
together as one of four programs presented at Friedrich’s 2006 “Mid Career
Retrospective” at MoMA.
Rules of the Road
16mm, b/w, sound, 31 mins, 1993
Rules of the Road tells the story of a love affair and its demise through
one of the objects shared by the couple: an old beige station wagon with
fake wood paneling. A typical American family car for an atypical American
family, it provides the women at first with all the familiar comforts. But
when their relationship ends, the car becomes the property of one and the
bane of the other’s existence. Even long after their separation, this
tangible reminder of their life together—and thousands of its
imitators—continues to prowl the streets of the city, haunting the woman who
no longer holds the keys either to the car or the other woman’s
heart.Through spoken text, popular music and images from the streets of New
York, Rules of the Road takes a somewhat whimsical, somewhat caustic look at
how our dreams of freedom, pleasure, security, and family are so often
symbolized by the automobile.
The Head of a Pin
video, col, sound, 21 mins, 2004
Those of us who grow up in cities and continue living in them tend to have a
romantic view of life in the countryside. Moreover, we know every subway
route, shopping district and urban legend of our city, and feel that our
“street smarts” enable us to function anywhere–but put us out in the country
and we’re just plain stupid about almost everything that nature has to
offer. What’s the name of that tree with the peeling bark? What fish just
jumped? And are those beaver, heron, goose or duck tracks?
And then there’s our experience of violence–urban violence, of course. We
know how to avoid it or, even better, how to escape it—by going to the
country, where it’s so different: so quiet, so peaceful, so safe, so gentle.
And it is when you’re lying on a hot rock by the river, or having a drink in
the yard at sunset. And it is until you spend twenty minutes watching a
spider work over and finally kill an insect twice its size.
Seeing Red
video, col, sound, 27 mins, 2005
In Seeing Red, three elements run parallel, overlap, diverge, lock horns and
in various other ways give voice to the notion that a color, a melody, or a
person has multiple characteristics that cannot be grasped by, or understood
within, a simple framework.
One element is purely visual.
One is very verbal and minimally visual.
One is purely musical.
So is red the color of a fire truck or a ruby, of rust or a rose, of blood
or a brick?
How fixed is a melody if it can be twisted, stretched and shaken to the
point where we no longer recognize its original form?
And when we “see red,” what color is that exactly? What aspect of passion
are we feeling? Are we looking outward and seeing injustice and cupidity, or
looking inward at our own limitations and failings?
Friedrich is a leading figure of American avant-garde film and directs,
writes, shoots, edits and sometimes performs in her works. Most recently,
Friedrich was one of three contemporary filmmakers featured in MoMA’s 2010
Maya Deren’s Legacy: Woman & Experimental Film. Retrospectives of her work
have been held at the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American
Art, the Rotterdam Film Festival, and the National Film Theater in London,
among many others. Her films have won the Grand Prix at the Melbourne Film
Festival, Outstanding Documentary Award at Outfest and Best Narrative Film
Award at the Athens International Film Festival. She has received
Rockefeller and Guggenheim Foundation fellowships and is a recipient of the
Alpert Award in the Arts. She teaches film & video production at Princeton
University and currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
more info: www.microscopegallery.com
tel: 347.925.1433
J/M/Z - Myrtle/Broadway - walk straight down the stairs, keeping walking
straight across Broadway with Mr. Kiwi's on your right. Cross Buswhick Ave.
Charles Place is 1st left.
L - Morgan Ave or Jefferson Street
b54 - Myrtle Ave/Willoughby bus stop
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Received on Tue May 17 2011 - 20:37:51 CDT