I agree with David. And think if Frameworks did start to get crappy
kickstarter calls for video mainstream stuff we find unrelated to
frameworks vision, then we would want to exnay it- cut off the spam.
but it's not likely i think.
I also like to see what folks are up to and help when I can even with
the most humble donation. I'm sure some on this list think kickstarter
is negative in some fashion, and likely it has it's problems too
but so far, I'm ok with it. just my 2 cents 2.
On Jun 25, 2011, at 4:29 PM, David Tetzlaff wrote:
> Unless it got out of hand (which seems unlikely), it strikes me as
> appropriate for the list. Projects totally unrelated to experimental/
> artist film, avant garde media yada yada would be spam, but I don't
> think spammers would reap enough from Frameworks to make the list a
> productive target.
> As Dinorah says, it's interesting to see what people are working on,
> and how they are trying to navigate the whole funding issue.
> just my 2¢
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Received on Mon Jun 27 2011 - 13:03:36 CDT