Hi everyone,
I hope you’re well, and enjoying the summer so far. I wanted to invite you
to have a look at a video I wrote/directed/drew called Every Country in the
World vs. the U.S.! (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAgq76KrmK0&feature=feedu). I think you’ll
find it to be really silly and funny. It tells the not very true story of
what might happen if all of the nations in the world banded together and
declared war on America.
I made it as part of Lefthook, a team I’m on for PITtv, the new video
production department at the Peoples Improv Theater (the PIT).
If you’re the kind of person who comments frequently on right wing political
websites, then you can breathe a little easier. I made this movie with your
voice in mind.
Can America defeat the bloodthirsty foreigners? Or will they conquer us
with their weird customs and other stuff that doesn’t make any sense?
You’ll just have to watch the video to find out.
But seriously, with everything going on these days with the Tea Party and
right wing extremism and the possibility that our country may turn into a
Third World nation on Tuesday if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, this seemed
like a timely topic for absurdist satire.
Many thanks! I hope you enjoy it. Please help to spread the word by
forwarding this email, putting the video on your blog and so on.
You can check out other work by Lefthook at
and find out more about the PIT at
(917) 414-9349
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Received on Fri Jul 29 2011 - 13:32:55 CDT