Ii know this will be unpopular but I think the new FCPX will be a great editing tool.
I have been playing with it for a few days and am really impressed
there is lots of control once you figure out how it thinks.
I think there was a need to rethink the idea of editing and Apple was bold enough to give it a go
for some perspective reed this blog from Phil Hodgetts from sept
he explains why a new approach was needed
On Jun 29, 2011, at 4:32 PM, matt's frameworks address wrote:
> "Of course I know about PhotoShop's proprietary format, and others that
> other programs create, such as cpt. This is why I save final files as
> tifs."
> Fred- the issue isn't necessarily being able to open Quicktime files, but the actual work/project file. Sure, with FCX I can open the final exported quicktime files of projects i have made in the past, and i can also open raw, unedited quicktime files, but I won't be able to do is open an existing project and do any kind of work or re-editting with it. if you want to remix the audio, update credits, or tweak the editing you won't be able to. your stuck with what you have, or you basically have to start from scratch. This can be significant as formats themselves change- something i have started doing recently is going back and re-transferring original 16mm footage to HD, and then replacing the old standard resolution transfer. that is relatively simple when i can open the old project files (some of which date back ten years to the earliest versions of final cut) but without that option I would essentially have to start from scratch and re-edit the entire movie. If this isn't addressed it will be a major hindrance to the future archiving and updating of countless films.
> I have found this whole FCPX thing very frustrating. I have credited Apple and the original Final Cut/FireWire/G3 as being one of the most important developments in independent cinema in the past 15 years, and i believe the artists and filmmakers and designers who embraced Apple are a huge reason as to why they have become such a successful company. But now they seem to be more interested in making phones and selling/controlling digital content than making good computers and software and have truly graduated into the ranks of greedy corporations.
> -matt
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Received on Wed Jun 29 2011 - 20:52:39 CDT