[Frameworks] bolex filters

From: edwin m <ed___209_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:35:05 +0000

cher frameworks:

does anyone know what thread of filter is needed for newer kern vario-switar lenses (the 10mm and 26mm RX ones for bolex)? it looks to be about 38-39mm, but it'd be nice to know for sure before buying any. i've tried a 37.5 and 40, which are standard sizes of course, but neither works.

also, even more fantastically, does anyone know of somewhere in the uk from where they can be bought? either somewhere selling originals second hand, or more unusual threads once i know what it takes. i desperately need a wratten 85 (85b or c would also be nice!)




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Received on Fri Aug 12 2011 - 07:35:13 CDT