I asked the fuji rep in new york and he said that it wouldn't be profitable
enough in the US for fuji to bother... unless Kodak went under...The more
pressure we put on them, the more demand they will perceive. There is still
a pretty good demand for black and white film. Perhaps fuji will change it's
tune now...it's definitely better than sitting around and whining about
kodak's demise.
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM, <Carlileb_at_aol.com> wrote:
> **
> In a message dated 10/1/2011 9:58:02 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> info_at_40frames.org writes:
> And Neopan is not currently available in the US.... Don't know why this has
> ever been a question for Fuji?
> Alain
> I've repeatedly asked the Fuji people in Hollywood about this, and they
> just giggle and change the subject and tell me that Fuji has other great
> film stocks.
> It must be that yes means no thing. And like it's none of our damned
> business. So to hell with them.
> J.C.
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Received on Sat Oct 01 2011 - 12:41:21 CDT