Re: [Frameworks] Kodak filing for bankruptcy?

From: 40 Frames <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2011 14:05:50 -0700

I don't know about the cost of Neopan motion picture stock elsewhere in the
world... (Neopan still film is relatively cheap in the states, cheaper than
Ilford by a lot and at the price point of films like Efke and Arista)....
but in the states ORWO is expensive by comparison.

As it is today, 7363 is $51 USD per 400' roll, and if you get an educational
discount it's around $40. And its Ortho, so you can
process under safe light.

ORWO stock was (last I checked) almost double this price. So, while there
does exist alternatives, they cost more. And I don't see
a stock in the product line that would be comparable to 7363.

BTW Seth, if you want to draft and circulate a letter asking Fuji to
distribute Neopan in the US, I'd sign it. And I'll overlook your
comment about "whinning".


On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Freya <> wrote:

> re Fuji Neopan: I assume it would be way more expensive than Kodaks
> offering which is why they probably don't bother.
> I assume Fred is right and that Kodak will file for Chapter 11 protection
> assuming the patent sale doesn't go thru. To be honest it might be a good
> thing in a way, as selling the patents seems a bit like selling the family
> silver. I get the impression the guy running the place is just trying to
> stretch things out as long as he can so he can keep getting paid which is
> not a great business strategy for the future.
> love
> Freya
> --- On *Sat, 10/1/11, sef208 <>* wrote:
> From: sef208 <>
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Kodak filing for bankruptcy?
> To: "Experimental Film Discussion List" <>
> Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 8:41 PM
> I asked the fuji rep in new york and he said that it wouldn't be profitable
> enough in the US for fuji to bother... unless Kodak went under...The more
> pressure we put on them, the more demand they will perceive. There is still
> a pretty good demand for black and white film. Perhaps fuji will change it's
> tune's definitely better than sitting around and whining about
> kodak's demise.
> seth
> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM, <<http://mc/compose?>
> > wrote:
> **
> In a message dated 10/1/2011 9:58:02 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> <http://mc/compose?> writes:
> And Neopan is not currently available in the US.... Don't know why this has
> ever been a question for Fuji?
> Alain
> I've repeatedly asked the Fuji people in Hollywood about this, and they
> just giggle and change the subject and tell me that Fuji has other great
> film stocks.
> It must be that yes means no thing. And like it's none of our damned
> business. So to hell with them.
> J.C.
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