For the record, the Gizmodo guys agree. They admire Kodak's achievements over time, and have a low opinion on Tumblr.
> There's no use mourning obsolescence, but sometimes the shifting of money from one place to another makes me want to frown.
(... and of course, when they say "nobody buys film" they mean consumer still photography, not motion picture stock...)
It's not the scribblings that are vile, it's the way big capitsl influences art and culture that is vile.
> Kodak death humor: Gizmodo put the situation thusly.
> > Have you taken a look at Kodak's stock today? Get a good look while you can, because it's shitting the bed worse than a disemboweled E. coli patient - already down 60%, to less than a dollar. This is how it ends.
> >
> > We've known the company's in dire financial shape, but this looks like the beginning of the crew abandoning ship. You can't even order off the Dollar Menu with a share of Eastman Kodak.
> Vile scribblings like these is the reason why this country has gotten so despicable.
> When sleazy outfits like 'Tumblr" -- which has no assets and no production capacity and does absolutely nothing in the world-- is treated like a Prince on Wall Street, but a grand old company like Kodak is treated like a dick, then you know things have gotten really insane.
> Stock up, boys.
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Received on Sat Oct 01 2011 - 17:45:41 CDT