I recently used the Acer K11 pocket projector in a theatre show and it was awesome. Nice throw, reliable, runs off an sd card or an input.. can't remember if it would loop forever off of SD or not - that's something to check out. Otherwise your source has to loop.
Also used the mpro120's, their inputs seemed more fragile, really a crappy custom job - not sure if I would trust it for 2 weeks unattended, unless it's really secured in place. But it looked nice and there's a battery.
K11 is like 18 times brighter - 200 lumens, has no battery, only ac power. Mpro is battery, but you can plug it in... but it's only 12 lumens!!!
I made Banquo's ghost appear with the mpro - had an ipod hooked up as a source device. Not very bright, though. Some of the audience couldn't really see it, not happy with the results.
I suppose you could fill an sd card with hours and hours of video so there's no looping required. At 10" across you could afford to go low-res.
* FLICK's WEBSITE & BLOG: http://www.flickharrison.com
On 2011-10-14, at 16:49 , Dinorah de Jesús Rodriguez wrote:
> hello frameworkers:
> I am about to present a touring installation piece that requires the use of about 4-5 compact video projectors installed in different cafés, including my first venue which is an outdoor café where we will be projecting the images through the windows of the adjacent building. The goal is to throw smallish (maybe 10") images onto varying surfaces, with enough brightness to hold up against ambient light. What is the cheapest type of projector that I can use that will have sufficient brightness and throw? I need something small that i can travel with. i've been looking at the battery operated pocket projectors in the $200-$300 USD range, but am wondering if there are any on the market that also use an electric power supply as a backup, since I need to leave the installation up for several weeks. Anybody have any recommendations? My budget is about $1500 and I am in the U.S.
> enjoy today...
> Dinorah de Jesús Rodríguez
> Multimedia Artist
> RUINS: Haunting Cafés Around the World
> a touring film installation by Dinorah de Jesus Rodriguez
> solislandmediaworks.com
> artcinematic.blogspot.com
> elusivelandscape.blogspot.com
> http://www.youtube.com/user/solisland
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Received on Sat Oct 15 2011 - 11:45:23 CDT