[Frameworks] MFJ 54 "Focus on Carolee Schneemann"

From: MIllennium Film Journal <mfj_at_mfj-online.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:00:12 -0400

We are thrilled to announce the publication of Millennium Film Journal No. 54 "Focus on Carolee Schneemann." This is a very special issue, with a completely updated design by Shona Masarin, incorporating many pictures of and by Carolee, and even a portfolio of her hand-drawn production notes for "Kitch's Last Meal."

The team at the Millennium Film Journal very happy with this issue celebrating the work of one of our most influential and original artists. You can see a full table of contents at:


and images of the cover and title page at:


Issues can also be ordered online.on the above pages.


Grahame Weinbren
Senior Editor
Millennium Film Journal

FrameWorks mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 28 2011 - 18:00:32 CDT