Eyemos are essentially 35mm Filmos -- bulletproof but limited by short spring running time and lack of a decent viewfinder.
2 perf not a likely conversion though some might exist. You can find motorized crash-cam versions (someone in Vancouver used to make one) and some have Nikon mounts added, giving you affordable decent lenses.
For an affordable camera that is anamorphic-friendly, and can be found in a Techniscope version (2 perf, but not fully across the film) the Arri 35 IIc is a good choice. Whlle the viewfinder has annoying baffles in it, it is reflex, and anamorphic viewfinder de-squeezers are available. The Techniscope version is the IIc/T. You probably want to find either a later version with Arri B mount (IIcB) or a hard-front version.
But both cameras are noisy.
Are you planning on finishing to film by printing, or digitally? 2-perf is very costly to finish photochemically unless you have an optical printer, 2-perf shuttle, and anamorphic printing lens. Unless you need to shoot long takes or a lot of film, anamorphic will be cheaper to finish.
If you are finishing digitally, you might find that S16 works for you. Cameras are smaller, quieter, and cheap -- and the lenses are cheap unlike 35mm glass because a lot of that has been snapped up for Red and other large-sensor digital cameras.
The best 35mm deal would IMHO be something like an older Arri 35BL -- quiet enough for sync shooting, better viewfinders, shoulder held (though heavy). Another alternative is the Eclair CM3 -- not quiet but you can often find them with a Nikon mount on one of the turret holes. Some versions could also shoot 2-perf and could shoot 16mm if you have all the right parts.
I guess the real question to ask yourself is why 35mm?
Jeff "not that there's anything wrong with that" Kreines
On Oct 20, 2011, at 12:21 AM, Amanda Christie wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I have a question about eyemo cameras...
> if I buy an eyemo camera.... will i likely be able to find anamorphic
> lenses for it? any leads?
> also... does anyone know if they can be machined or set up to shoot 2
> perf 35mm instead of 4 perf?
> just curious...
> also if anyone has experience shooting with eyemos and would like to
> share thoughts on the camera, that would be most appreciated.
> Amanda Dawn Christie
> --------------------------------
> 506-871-2062
> www.amandadawnchristie.ca
> amanda_at_amandadawnchristie.ca
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