Re: [Frameworks] Make shift lighting-installing a dimmer to work lights.

From: Warren Cockerham <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:06:44 -0400


I suggest that you invest in some ND gels. That may require some make shift
barndoors or makeshift gel frames. Or, you can use black wrap and pin the ND
to the black wrap (gotta get 'em far enough away from the light source to
keep them from melting).

I made that suggestion because dimmers will change the color temperature of
the light. With that being said, these are your best bet on "dimmers."
They're often cheaper than building your own.


On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Kevin Timmins <>wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to make myself a frugal 3 point lighting system with one
> 1000w work lamp and two 500w work lamps. I got a three nice light stands and
> everything is solid and stable. As you can imagine being able to emit that
> much power is very useful at night but ideally I want to tone it down if I
> need to. Then I thought, hang on surely I can put a dimmer on these babies
> and then have full control over a powerful lighting system to get perfect
> exposure. Now I'm having some trouble locating dimmer switches that are
> rated up to 500w (let alone 1000w). I'm in the UK and the max I've found is
> only 250W an they are pretty nasty looking things :(
> Does anyone know where I can find some dimmer switches? Also can anyone
> foresee any problems I might have putting a dimmer switch on halogen
> floodlights? I'm no electrician but assume it's one, possible and two,
> should work pretty good.
> Please let me know.
> Thanks
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Received on Fri Oct 28 2011 - 09:24:46 CDT