Re: [Frameworks] Lawrence Brose court case

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 17:13:05 -0700
If you go to and click on links, you can download a PDF file that summarizes the case. This file also provides a link to the Steve Kurtz case.

But do consider contributing to Lawrence's effort to beat this spurious rap by contributing $$ as well as comments. The works for sale are quite stunning.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Lawrence Brose court case
From: David Tetzlaff <>
Date: Wed, November 09, 2011 4:30 pm
To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>

What is it with Buffalo? Does the lake effect snow drive people mad?

I'm surprised Brose's site does not mention the case of Buffalo artists Steve Kurtz, of the Critical Art Ensemble who was charged with terrorism under the Patriot Act for possessing some harmless microbes he used in his bio-art. I think that was also a Homeland Security thing, and the U.S. Attorney there continued to pursue Kurtz for years until a judge finally dismissed all the charges. (

Apparently it's the same U.S. attorney now going after Brose.

If t0ny c0nrad is still on the list, he must know all these people. Why is Buffalo the leading edge of using the expanded powers of the stste to repress avant garde art? Why isn't Brose shouting "Hey, these are the same douchebags who trumped up the ridiculous case against Steve Kurtz!!"

just curious...
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