Oh yes, I forgot to say, I live in the middle of NJ, so you should be able to come look.
--- On Mon, 11/14/11, John Knecht <jknecht_at_colgate.edu> wrote:
From: John Knecht <jknecht_at_colgate.edu>
Subject: [Frameworks] Look for a Bolex
To: FrameWorks_at_jonasmekasfilms.com
Date: Monday, November 14, 2011, 7:24 AM
Frame Workers,
I am looking to buy a used Bolex. it does not have to be a Rex 5, but
it should be a reflex camera. I want something that is clean and in
excellent working order. I am interested in a zoom lens or lenses as
well. What is out there? I don't want to go the e-bay route if I
don't have to. Thanks.
John Knecht
John Knecht, Russell Colgate Distinguished
University Professor of Art and Art History
and Film and Media Studies
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Received on Mon Nov 14 2011 - 07:52:30 CST