Having stripped apart filmos, I would think it will be VERY difficult to
modify an eyemo. The eyemo is what it is, and it is fantastic for what
it is, but I'd listen to Jeff K on this, and find a techniscope camera -
or if you insist you can probably get an Arri 35BL more easily converted.
There is the Super 16 option, and as a former Aaton owner, it is a
lovely option, and cameras can really be had dirt cheap these days (I'm
pretty sure), plus I doubt that there is that big a run on Super 16
glass, as 35mm glass, and that could make a big difference.
Hope this helps.
On 10/20/11 1:21 AM, Amanda Christie wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I have a question about eyemo cameras...
> if I buy an eyemo camera.... will i likely be able to find anamorphic
> lenses for it? any leads?
> also... does anyone know if they can be machined or set up to shoot 2
> perf 35mm instead of 4 perf?
> just curious...
Steven Gladstone
New York Based Cinematographer
Gladstone films
Blog - http://indiekicker.reelgrok.com/
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Received on Thu Oct 20 2011 - 08:41:04 CDT