Re: [Frameworks] 16:9 vs 4:3

From: T. Siddle <>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 08:18:58 -0700

My guess would be that they have gotten used to watching video on
monitors/tvs that are 16:9 and that they dislike 4:3 because it either
doesn't fit the screen (when watched in full screen mode) or has to be
warped/cut to fit. They also likely associate 4:3 with older, lower
resolution video.

- Ts.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 5:25 AM, Kevin Timmins <> wrote:

> I'm making a video for a uk bike trials video and put up a poll for the
> public to decide what ratio they want their video filming in. The youth of
> today hates 4:3! Really hates it for no reason. That is they say things like
> "4:3 is aweful" but with no explanation as to why? What's going on here?
> Kev
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