True. It's an unfair slander of an incredible (for the price) camera.
And it's not really to my point, either, but rather an example based
on one man's experience. Perhaps it's just a difference in teaching
styles, but those I've known whose education originated on film have
been generally more hesitant to roll gobs of unusable footage, no
matter what format they ultimately end up using.
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 7:22 AM, David Tetzlaff <> wrote:
>> I can't tell you how many "media professionals" I've worked with who press the record button on the 7D
>> and then proceed to tweak lighting or chose a different frame. Meanwhile, cast and crew are standing around twiddling their thumbs, anticipating a decision but without any real hope of experiencing one. I pity the editors who wade through these wasted gigabytes.
> Well, this isn't the 7D's fault. It's kind of lame to expect a camera to enforce on a maker things they should know how to do regardless. If you're dumping massive amounts of sludge on the schmo whop has to log your footage (even if you're our own schmo) you're a media bozo, regardless of your professional/amateur status.
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