Rumored to be the ultimate in long-form ruminative experimental travelogues are MARE'S TALE (1969, 160 min.) and/or THE MONKEY'S BIRTHDAY (1975, 360 min.), both by David Larcher.
a piece of writing:
one of 'em screened in Leeds this year it seems:
Good luck...
Steve Polta
--- On Thu, 11/10/11, Adam R. Levine <> wrote:
From: Adam R. Levine <>
Subject: [Frameworks] Travelogues
To: "Experimental Film Discussion List" <>
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2011, 9:41 AM
Hello you,
I am trying to pull together a list of experimental films that either fall directly under the category of "travelogue" or bear witness to travel and distance from a point of origin on the part of the filmmaker. These would not be so much ethnographic works which are part of a sustained cultural exchange, but films made as a result of the filmmaker "passing through" and acknowledging the looming spectre/problem/pleasure of "the tourist film". Warren Sonbert, perhaps John Smith's "The Hotel Diaries"? I'm sure there are others...but can you name them?
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