[Frameworks] Paul Sharits Gallery Exhibition in NYC

From: andrew lampert <andrewlampert_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 09:20:57 -0800 (PST)

  Hi, If you are in or coming to NYC please check out the Paul Sharits exhibition currently up and running at Greene Naftali Gallery in Chelsea. Featured is the triple-projection “locational” piece 3RD DEGREE (1982), which hasn’t been seen in this form in the US since 1982. The rarely screened theatrical film APPARENT MOTION (1975) is also being shown as a continuous 16mm looped projection. In addition, the exhibit features a healthy selection of drawings and a couple frozen film frame works. The exhibit will be on display until January 14th and is a collaboration between Greene Naftali, Anthology Film Archives and the estate of Paul Sharits. For more info: http://www.greenenaftaligallery.com Have a great weekend, A.

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Received on Sat Dec 03 2011 - 09:21:29 CST