Brian Frye

Born in 1975, Brian Frye is a filmmaker and curator currently living in New York City. He is originally from a crummy suburban town in Northern California, which he visits as infrequently as possible. Studies at UC Berkeley and the San Francisco Art Institute were followed by a truly dismal period of incarceration at NYU. He currently runs the Robert Beck Memorial Cinema with Bradley Eros, as well as keeping his grubby fingers in any number of other projects. Send SASE for informational pamphlets and inspirational literature: Cooper Station Box 499, NYC, 10276-0499.

Filmography (incomplete)

Circuit (16mm, color, sil, 8m)
Sunday Morning (16mm, b/w, sil, 2m)
Wormwood's Dog and Monkey Show (16mm, b/w, snd, 11m)
Gabriel (16mm, b/w, sil, 1m)
Nadja (16mm, color, sil, 3m)
Arcadia, or an Eclectic History of the American Century (in progress)
(16mm, color & b/w, snd, 45m)

The Eels of Chicago (16mm, b/w, sil, 2m)
TV Assassin (s-8, b/w, snd, 15m)
In Love With Love (16mm, b/w, snd, 3m)
Self-Portrait as Kaspar Hauser (For T.C.) (16mm, color, sil, 3m)
Broken Camera Reels 1&2 (16m, b/w, sil, 5m)
Oona's Veil (16mm, b/w, snd, 8m)
St. John's Passion (s-8, b/w, sil/snd, 10m)
Lachrymae (16mm, color, sil, 3m)

The Anatomy of Melancholy (16mm, b/w, snd, 11m)
1933. (r-8, b/w, snd, 9m)
(parenthesis) (16mm, b/w, snd, 5m)

Francois Boue Services the Fragrance Machine at Bloomingdales
(16mm, color, snd, 3m)

Meeting With Khruschev (16mm, b/w, sil, 35m)
Ladies Day (s-8, b/w, snd, 8m)
World's Fair and Exhibition (16mm, b/w, sil, 35m)
1997: untitled (16mm, b/w, sil, 3m)
Interventions (in progress) (s-8, color & b/w, sil/snd, ?m.)
Nausea (video, b/w, snd, 60m)

Expression and Meaning (s-8, b/w, sil, 15m)

6.95: striptease (16mm, b/w, sil, 3m)
9.95: the most important moment in my life (infinite set) (16mm, b/w, sil, 3m.)
Ozymandias (r-8, color, snd, 30m)
3.95: untitled (16mm, b/w, sil, 3m)

11.94: untitled (16mm, color, sil, 3m)


Cooper Station Box 499
NYC, 10276-0499

List of Film/Videomakers