Doron Furman
Fax No: 00972-3-6293495
Tel No: 00972-3-5283357
Address: 103 Achad Haam St.
Tel-Aviv 64253, ISRAEL

Born at 1969 in Tel-Aviv
Lives and work in London and Tel-Aviv

1) Gender and Technology

My contribution is an attempt to understand the nature and practical consequences for women of aspects of the technological environment that they have widely experienced as alienating. Technology is frequently presents as part of the masculine realm, and this association contributes to a gendered perception of technology. It seems that it is often the gender of who is using something, and in what ststused context it is being used, that prompts the label "technology". Objects and activities have often been classified as technological or not, according to the gender of the dominant user.This deeply embedded value-hierarchical thinking accords greater value to the higher ("man, culture, minds, reason") and less to the lower ("woman, nature, bodies, emotion").

My argument here is that femininity as a cultural category is constituted partly as a potentiality for receiving and signing the flow of social violences. That the feminine position is constituted as such within a nervous system producing women as victims/ survivors, self mutilators, dysfunctionals and designated crisis. Within that ground of being, to adapt (not to suicide) is to (mal) adapt. And the potentialities of that (mal) adaption are subject to any number of policing and surveillance mechanisms typically organised around suppressing and channelling the relation between memory and affect in the anti production of desire.

2) The "Deviant Subject"

My interest in deviancy is to explore representations and regulations of the economised body. A deviant body through the legislative body, that tries to move the body into the space of technology to blur the boundaries between human and inanimate.

Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari have written of the topic of deviancy, that it is necessary to produce successive divergence-types of deviance for everything that eludes biunivocal relationships, and to establish binary relations between what is accepted of first choice and what is only tolerated of second, third choice, etc'...Its not a man and its not a woman, so it must be a transvestite: the binary relation is between the 'no' of the first category and the 'yes' of the following category.

Books that were inspired me for this writing: Identity politics, sexual persis, Mandy Menk. Corporate identity, Wally Olins.


1982-86 BA in Fine Art, Accademia di Belli Arti, Florence, Italy.
1994-95 MA in Fine Art, Goldsmiths College, University of London,

Solo Exhibitions

1983 Sharett Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1984 Bograshov Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1986 Allori Gallery, Florence
1987 Tiroche Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1992 Herzelia Museum, Israel
1994 Kidmat-Eden Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1995 Goldsmiths Gallery, London

Group Exhibitions

1986 Ponte Gallery, Florence
1987 ORS Television Studios, Berlin
1988 Rega Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1989 Wrap Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1990 Artists' Association, Tel-Aviv
1991 Rugstone, Tel-Aviv
1993 Artists' House, Jerusalem
1994 Hakibbutz Gallery, Tel-Aviv
1995 Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London
1995 Vandy St, Alternative Space, London
1996 Tel-Aviv, Museum
1997 Museum-ISRAEL, Jerusalem
1998 Podevil, Berlin
1998 North Gallery Kopenhagen, Denemark
1999 Populus Gallery Tel-Aviv
1999 Mosrara Gallery Jerusalem
1999 Camel Gallery Tel Aviv
1999 Borchove Gallery Tel Aviv

Special Events

1994 Tel-Hai, Israel
1995 ZANDERS 1995 Calendar for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.
1994 Art Focus 1994, Israel
1998 Einav-Center, projection of video art


1995 The British Council for MA in Fine Art, Goldsmiths College London
1997 The Israeli art association for excellency in art
Fax No: 00972-3-6293495
Tel No: 00972-3-5283357
Address: 103 Achad Haam St.
Tel-Aviv 64253, ISRAEL

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