tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE Super-8mm Filmography
(from late 1975e.v. to march, 2011e.v.)
(in order of most recent to oldest)
{tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE can be contacted @ <anon@fyi.net>}
363. a. "DEPOT (wherein resides the UNDEAD of Franz Kamin)"
- short version made for the March 19, 2011 NORKINFEST in Baltimore
- this covers Franz Kamin's years before he moved to St Paul to recuperate from alcoholism, ie: 1941-1986 & is a compressed synthesis of 357 & 359-362 amongst other footage shot in St Paul, NYC, Barrytown, & Pittsburgh
- super-8mm film & mini-dv & scans -> computer -> mini-dv & DVD-R
- 29:52
- October, 2010 - February, 2011
b. "DEPOT (wherein resides the UNDEAD of Franz Kamin)"
- As w/ "25 Words or Less", because processing of Kodachrome super-8 sound film is about to cease (at least at a certain lab), Greg Pierce proposed that we do a collaboration together using some of his S8 stock. He proposed that I come up w/ an idea & that he shoot it (etc). This was the 2nd of these sound super-8 films we did together..
- The title & the text read as the sound-track is by Franz Kamin from app. 1974. The voice-over is by Amy Catanzano. I, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE 'demonstrated' the text using objects created by or related to Kamin: a record, tapes, a DVD, CDs, books, etc..
- super-8 sound
- shot Thursday, December 16, 2010
- 3:35
355. "25 Words or Less"
- Because processing is about to cease (at least at a certain lab) of Kodachrome super-8 sound film, Greg Pierce proposed that we do a collaboration together using some of his S8 stock. He proposed that I come up w/ an idea & that he shoot it (etc). This 2 roll film is the result.
- super-8 sound
- shot Sunday, November 28, 2010
- 7:10
262. "Epidermoid"
- shot at a nudist mask party in Pittsburgh
- mini-dv, PXL-2000, super-8mm, 35mm slidestrip, 35mm filmstrip -> computer file -> DVD & mini-dv
- 10:49
- shot april 22, 2006 - finished february 12, 2007
241. "Ledger of St Dermain"
- shot in a limestone mine in Brady's Bend, Pennsylvania
- slides, slidestrip, super-8, sampling, scripting, editing, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
- mini-DV camcorder: Who is like God? (Pestel)
- sound: Who is like God?s
- lighting: Jarrett Buba
- film to video transfers: Jesse McLean
- Earl Ballard played by: Johnny Evans
- APPARITION of ST Dermain played by: John Allen Gibel
- Thanks to Daniel Bruce for mine access
- mini-DV + slides + slidestrip + super-8 -> DVD
- 6:53
- shot in the spring & summer of '04 / edit made in december '04
240. "booed usic"
- thanks to Lindsay Ruprecht for translating from English into Spanish
- 1/2" VHS cassette + 16mm + PXL-2000 + super-8mm + slides -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 36:00
- (mostly) shot january 24, '84 - august 13, '88 / edit finished march, '04
229. "Automatic Pilot"
- using footage from "Rough Draft for 'Etc..Etc..'", "Feedback", 133a. "One Word per Person Party", 136. "Wallpaper Video", 139. "Teaser", 146a. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1", 147a. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2", 152a."F(acinorous)R(efulgent)E(squamate)D(onnered) S.(A.P.F.U. = Surpassing All Previous Fuck-Ups) L(ongiloquent)I(mprolificating)S(kookum)B(ruxomaniacal)E(pigamic)R(isorial)G(awsie)E(rose) R(hapsodomaniacal)" {mostly un"strobed" version}, 152b. "F(acinorous)R(efulgent)E(squamate)D(onnered) S.(A.P.F.U. = Surpassing All Previous Fuck-Ups) L(ongiloquent)I(mprolificating)S(kookum)B(ruxomaniacal)E(pigamic)R(isorial)G(awsie)E(rose) R(hapsodomaniacal)" {"techno-sensualist" version}, 146b. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 1}, 147b. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 1}, 146c. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 2}, 147c. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 2}, 160. "Color Bars", 145a. "Hypnopedagogy", 145a. "Hypnopedagogy" {titled w/ beat}, "Concrete Mixing for Orgone Cinema", "Filmstrips" {in original order for Orgone Cinema presentation}, 202a. "Space Ballet", "3 Simultaneous Reel Projection of 'The "Official" John Lennon's Erection as Blocking Our View Homage & Cheese Sandwich' for the Film Kitchen", "Sunlight thru Blind", 213a. "Circumsubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism", 214. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You"), 215. "A Slide Show by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE", "Shot out Upstairs Back Window during Rainstorm & Aftermath", "Vertical Lines", "Lightbox"
- super 8 + 1/2" reel vaudeo + regular 8 + unsplit regular 8 + 16mm + 1/2" VHS cassette + 35mm filmstrip -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 2:02:00
- fall '74-july 24 '03
228. "Anemia of the Paparazzi"
- shot in Baltimore @ the wedding of Whitney Ward & Joe Coleman @ the Visionary Art Museum, & in Pittsburgh & Centralia, PA
- starring Joe Coleman & Whitney Ward & various friends of theirs & w/ the wedding officiated by ventriloquist Peter "Brainpang" Warner & his "figure" Dutch
- 1/2" VHS cassette + 35mm filmstrip + PXL-2000 + super-8mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 8:52
- november, 00 / april, 02 / november, 02
227. "Subtitles (8 simultaneous versions version)"
- this is a combination of: 19b. "Subtitles (regular 8 version)" {version 2} + 10b. "Subtitles (super 8 version)" {version 2} + 25b. "Subtitles (16mm version)" {version 2} + 37b. "Subtitles (analysis projector transfer of 16mm to 1/2" VHS cassette version)" {version 2} + 41d. "Subtitles (digitally processed version)" {version 2} + 137b. "Subtitles (processing & miniaturization overkill version w/ inserts)" {version 2} + 148b. "Subtitles (june/july '92 version)" {version 2} + 226. "Subtitles (final? version)" (all but the "16mm version" were made especially for this & especially to be in sync w/ the 16mm & is intended to either have all those versions prsented once thru simultaneously as closely in sync as possible OR all those versions presented simultaneously as closely in sync as possible 8 TIMES IN A ROW w/ only 1 version's soundtrack on per each repetition - most obviously having the "regular 8 version"'s sound only on 1st, then the "super-8"'s sound on 2nd, etc..
- regular-8mm + super-8mm + 1/2" VHS cassette + unsplit regular-8 + 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 11:58 OR 8 X 11:58 = app. 1:36:00
- '80-'82/'84/'86/'90/'92/'02
226. "Subtitles (final? version)"
- using new VHS footage shot in Pittsburgh in october, 02 (thanks to Ron Douglas for stills saga shooting) & excerpting from 10. "Subtitles (super 8 version)", 19. "Subtitles (regular 8 version)", 21. "Subtitles (unsplit regular 8 version)", 25.b. "Subtitles (16mm version)" {version 2}, 41.c. "Subtitles (digitally processed version)" [aka "Subtitles (rough draft for 3/4" version w/ f/x)"]; 137. "Subtitles (processing & miniaturization overkill version w/ inserts)" [working from the original raw footage], 124. "My Life Flashing Before You", & 61. "15 Hours of Video at 23 Times Its Original Speed" [following the spirit of 148. "Subtitles (june/july '92 version)"]
- regular-8mm + super-8mm + 1/2" VHS cassette + unsplit regular-8 + 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 11:58
- '80-'82/'84/'86/'90/'92/'02
219. a. "Multiple Projections - 1981-2002" {resumé style version}
- shot in BalTimOre, Montréal, Dundee (Scotland), Kansas City (Missouri), Pittsburgh, & Melbourne
- video disc + super-8mm frames (-> 35mm slide) + VHS + super-8mm + 16mm + 35mm slides + 35mm filmstrips + 35mm motion pictures -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 14:54
- march, 02
b. "Multiple Projections - 1981-2002"
- 6:31
- march, 02
c. "Multiple Projections - 1978-2002"
- 2:11
- march, 02
d. "Multiple Projections - 1978-2002"
- 5:51
- april 1, 02
214. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You")
- This is a compilation of the Nudist Mask movies in chronological order w/ most titles removed & w/ relevant footage from 213a. "Circumsubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism" interspersed. The other movies used are: 20. "Seriousness is Death", 98c. "Tent's Muir" {version 3}, 123. "Nudist Party", 130. "Signs & Symptoms of Leptospirosis", 158 b. "Volunteers Collective XII - The Last Transmission From the Short & Happy Life of a Meteorite Nudist Camp", 163. "Funny Farm Summit Meeting", 178. "Mirthplace of the Republicans", 204. "Y, 2, Nay-Ked!", + footage shot in mid '02 as a present for me of Channing naked w/ rubber feet & headgear riding a unicycle w/ flaming pedals & playing accordion while nude & masked etta cetera & Andalusia run around him on a street in Pittsburgh at night.
- super-8 & 1/2" VHS cassette & 8mm vaudeo & 16mm & mini-DV -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 1:11:04
- '82 - '02
207. a. "Don't Walk Backwards" (Long Version)
- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE etta cetera
- shot in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Adelaide, Lake Eyre, William Creek, Coober Pedy, Melbourne, Canberra, Queen's Cliff, Goongerah, Goolengook, & Sydney, Australia from march '00 - june '01
- edited in Pittsburgh, us@ by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE from june '00 - march '01
- Super-8mm, 16mm, PXL-2000, 35mm filmstrips, 35mm slidestrips, 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 8:24:43
- march '00 - march '01
200. "IMP ACTIVISM #1"
- shot in Ithaca, NY; BalTimOre, MD; Pittsburgh; Philadelphia; 3 Mile Island; Mexico; Washington DC; the Pentagon; & Boston
- largely attributable to the Street Rat Liberation Front & many others that they/we feel politically sympathetic to
- this incorporates small excerpts from 142. "Vermin Supreme Campaining for Mayor in BalTimOre, Tuesday, October 22nd, 1991E.V.", a considerably shortened edit of 6. "3 Mile Island", the entirety (very slightly altered) of 196. "Foiled Again!", & the entirety of 197. "Injustice System", 198. "Close the School of the Americas!", & 199. "Carnival Against Capital"
- super 8 & PXL-200 & VHS & audio tape (etc..) -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 1:02:20
- february - august '99 (etc..)
196. "Foiled Again!"
- mainly shot at the implosion of a building to make way for yet another stupid stadium, the "Day of the Excluded" (in solidarity with the Zapatistas) in Pittsburgh, the secret safe house of the Street Rat Liberation Army, & at the "Millions for Mumia" demonstration (in solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal) in Philadelphia
- super 8 (shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Karen Eliot / Rita Rodentia / etta cetera) & PXL-200 (shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Karen Eliot / Rita Rodentia / etta cetera) & VHS (shot by Will Rat) & audio tape (recorded by Rita Rodentia) -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 19:50
- february - may '99
175. "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"
- a collection of footage donated to me by John Berndt (4 X 50'), Mannette Letter (2 X 50'), Laure Drogoul (app 50'), Richard/Susan Henderson (2 X 50'), Florian Cramer (app 8 X 50'), Gen Ken Montgomery (7 X 50'), Boris Wanowitch (50'), Monty Cantsin/Istvan Kantor (app 10'); + excerpts from a home-movie version of "War and Peace"; + "porno" made by "unknowns"; + excerpts from "Mike Film" (see #3), "Crab Feast(s)" (see #11), "Luskin's" (see #56), "International Neoist/Tourist Day" (see #60), "Sponging off the Mandlebrot Set" (see #128), + out-takes from "Balling Tim Ore is Best" (see #49), "6 Fingers Crossed Country T.Ore/Tour" (see #55), "Vex 1990E.V." (see #135); + the entirety of "It's Not A Matter of Life & Death: Part Z: Stereo Brain (preface)" (see #62) & "Re-Runs" (see #132); + previously unused footage labelled: "Finish Off the Roll Film Using Intervalometer Shot from my House to Second Story Books to the Science Fiction Book Store etc..", "'Live' Autopsy" (shot for me by Martha Colburn w/ the assistance of Bill Haas), & "Funny Farm Disco Room"; + footage shot especially for it including the title, credit, & "Satanic Liposuction" scene (shot by Greg Pierce), etc..
- (cr)edited (to/)by anonymous
- soundtrack provided by Anonymous, John Berndt, & Gen Ken Montgomery
- super 8
- 1:17:00
- (footage from '78 - '98) edited from fall '95 - summer '98
b. "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"
- revised to include screening footage from Orgone Cinema 1999 five projector version, 2000 Melbourne Super-8 Club version w/ explication & reel change tarot reading, 2007 Jefferson Presents explication from S. Cannon, John Allen Gibel & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
- super-8, 1/2" VHS cassette, & mini-DV -> DVD/mini-DV
- 1:25:07
- finished april 6, '07
{170. a. "Collective Film Production"
- made by The Embodiment of the Institute - mainly instigated & w/ found footage provided by Terry Klein
- vaudeo portion shot by Julia Dzwonkoski & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
- super 8 manipulations by Terry Klein, Julia Dzwonkoski, Ghen Dennis, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, Jody Lafond, Barb Lattanzi, Keith Sanborn, & Anya Lewin
- 8mm vaudeo & super 8 -> 8mm vaudeo
- 18:30
- october 24, '95
b. "Collective Film Production"
- 8mm vaudeo & super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 15:54
- october 24, '95 / may 16, '99
c. "Collective Film Production"
- 8mm vaudeo & super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 15:36
- october 24, '95 / may 17, '99
- my contribution was somewhat small - hence the bracketing}
132. a. "Vex 1990E.V."
- w/ sound from Dick Turner
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 6:20
- march 19 & 20, '90 (etc..)
b. "Vex 1990E.V." (for YouTube)
- w/ titles added december 25, '09
[131. "Assateague"
[film version in the collection of Dee-Dee Ranged]
- super 8 (transferred to 1/2" VHS cassette)
- 2:00
- '90]
[126. "Re-Runs"
[incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"]
- super 8
- app 3:00
- '90]
[125. "Sponging off the Mandlebrot Set"
[excerpts incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!" with the remainder discarded]
- super 8
- app 3:00
- '89]
119. "Filmers Almanac Contribution"
[in the collection of S'Pool]
- super 8
- 3:20
- '88
- An excerpt from the overall project that includes my contribution is here:
94. "Appearing Act"
[in the collection of Laura A. Trussell]
- w/ Laura A. Trussell
- super 8
- 2:30
- '88
93. "You Haven't Heard the Record, You Haven't Read the Book, Now! Don't See the Movie!"
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 27:00
- '88
62. "It's Not A Matter of Life & Death: Part Z: Stereo Brain (preface)"
[the film version is incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"]
- shot by Nathan Long
- directed by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 3:20
- '87
61. "15 Hours of Video at 23 Times Its Original Speed"
- {regular 8, super 8, unsplit regular 8, 16mm, & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette ->} super 8
-> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 39:47
- '87
60. "International Neoist/Tourist Day"
[excerpts of the silent film incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!" - with the remainder discarded]
- w/ John Sheehan, Martha Peterson, & Laura Trussell
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 3:20
- march 24, '87 (etc..)
56. "Luskin's"
[only "worth" presenting as an A.V. aid to a description of the event that it's a quasi-document of - excerpts from the film incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!! - with the rest discarded]
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 9:15
- december '86
53. "War & Peace"
- super 8
- app 1:10-1:45
- '86
[52. "International Neoist Day"
[present location unknown - probably in the collection of 1 of the members of the 6 Fingers League]
- w/ Joan Lobell
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 3:20
- march 24, '86]
49. "Balling Tim Ore is Best"
- Dick Hertz & Tim Ore (ie:tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE)
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 16:00
- august '85
48. "Fuckin' @"
[the film version of this is incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"]
- directed, shot, & acted in by unknowns
- sound added by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
- title suggested by Alan Barysh
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 5:00
- '85
47. "July 4th Anti-Patriotic Picnic"
- w/ O.J.Dart
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 3:20
- July 4th, '85
43. "Les Promenades Hysteriques"
[double film/double projection version destroyed by Reinhardt U. Sevöl]
- made as part of TON TOCOCK SCHISME (Reinhardt U. Sevöl, Via Vidorae, &tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE)
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 10:00
- '84
42. "Neoist Guide Dog"
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 2:30
- '84
[17. "Testing" [given away]
- super 8
- app 3:00
- '81]
11. "Crab Feast(s)" [the only section "worth" presenting of this, "Crab Feast 2&1/2ish" {app 3:00}, was conceived of & shot by John Ellsberry - excerpts from the film "Crab Feast 2" (conceived of & directed by Gayle 26/X & shot by Susan Henderson) are incorporated into "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!" - all other film portions were discarded]
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 10:35
- '79-'80 (etc..)
10. a. "Subtitles (super 8 version)" {version 1}
- soundtrack made in collaboration w/ Richard (Ellsberry), Patti Karl, Kirby Malone, Pam Purdy, Ed "Lizard" Rosen, Steve Stec, Laurie Stepp, David Yaffe, & Norman Yeh
- super 8 -> 1/2" VHS cassette
- 52:20
- '80-'82
b. "Subtitles (super 8 version)" {version 2}
- edited to parallel the 18 sections of the 16mm version for multiply projecting 8 versions simultaneously
- 11:58
- '80-'82/october 29, '02
[5. "Collaboration w/ Marshall Reese" [discarded]
- super 8
- app. 3:00
- fall '78]
4. "Ghost*
(of Lamar "Chip" Layfield / Carol / Pat Brown /tentatively, a convenience)
(of films by entities other than myself)
of my Mike Film project
* - a Projectionist's Nightmare"
- super 8 (an 'inappropriate' 1/2" VHS cassette version exists)
- indefinite duration
- fall '78 (etc..)
b. "Ghost*
(of Lamar "Chip" Layfield / Carol / Pat Brown /tentatively, a convenience)
(of films by entities other than myself)
of my Mike Film project
* - a Projectionist's Nightmare"
- DVD (combines mini-DV footage of March 31, 2007 Jefferson Presents screening w/ above-mentioned 'inappropriate' transfer)
- 15:18
- fall, '78 / march/april '07
- finished april 4, 2007
3. "Mike Film"
- super 8
- indefinite duration
- fall '78
1. a. "Lamar "Chip" Layfield / Carol / Pat Brown /tentatively, a convenience"
- super 8
- indefinite duration
- fall '75
b. "Lamar "Chip" Layfield / Carol / Pat Brown /tentatively, a convenience" {'inappropriate' quasi-document of semi-correct gambling presentation}
- featuring Dan Sacktan as the gambler
- 1/2" VHS cassette
- 32:10
- fall '75/january '95
to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movie-making "Press: Criticism, Interviews, Reviews" home-page
to the "tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Sprocket Scientist" home-page
to the "FLICKER" home-page for the alternative cinematic experience
to be confused by conceptual obstacle-course neoism
to find out more about why the S.P.C.S.M.E.F. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sea Monkeys by Experimental Filmmakers) is so important
for info on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's tape/CD publishing label: WIdémoUTH
to hear excerpts from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's CD "Low Classical Usic" c/o Audiophfile v1.0
to see an underdeveloped site re the N.A.A.M.C.P. (National Association for the Advancement of Multi-Colored Peoples)
to reach an index containing links to mp3 files of the even-numbered tracks of the STREET RAT #2 CD called "RATical RATio - pRAT 1" from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
for writings from the files of an Unknown Neoist