Rosa-Luxemburgstr. 30
10178 Berlin
Tel.0049 30 2425076
at the Babylon Mitte
presented by Ute Aurand, Renate Sami and Theo Thiesmeier
Our next programmes:
July 10th 99 at 9:30
Hallelujah the hills by Adolfas Mekas USA 1963 90 16mm
This is a wonderful film about misfortune and awkwardness of two friends, which court seven years for Veras love. Jack is visiting Vera during the winter with her parents, Leo is visiting Vera in the summer. The rest of the year the two boys are spending together in the woods camping, hunting and playing - they go on safari and ride out uncountable warscenes, they fight against their rival Gideon as sabreswinging corsairs - but all their great adventures are figments. Nothing really will work and that makes Jack and Leo so engaging.
Hallelujah the hills is strange and full of wit and anarchy and allusions to several genre of the great cinema. Adolfas Mekas is telling his little comical episodes in a very easy way and this
pleasure making films you can feel in every scene and this pleasure is connecting the single pieces to an unity which represents nothing else than the interest in film.
August 28th 99 at 9:00
Der Bräutigam, die Komödiantin und der Zuhälter
by Jean-Marie Straub Germany 1969 23 16mm
Rabbits Moon
by Kenneth Anger USA 1950/71 8 16mm
Short Fuse
by Warren Sonbert USA 1990 25 16mm
This program is an unusual combination of films. Der Bräutigam, die Komödiantin und der Zuhälter (The Groom, The Comedienne and the Procurer) consists of three scenes: a long nocturnal drive along a car prostitution in Munic, a short theatre piece which Straub staged together with Fassbinders Action-Theater for this film, and the very filmic dissolved scene where the comedienne shoots the procurer. It is a far-reaching film nevertheless self-contained and of great power. Rabbits Moon is the story of the moon adoring Pierrot, who is appearing the Lucifer-Harlequin to conjure up the longed Columbine. A dreamy little dance-piece which Anger gives sound by a popsong of the seventies. Short Fuse is a fantastic coulered world hymn with exploding images creating new images in your mind. A sensible balance of destroying and constructing filled with all patterns of emotion.
Robert Beavers
In our September programme we will show a selection of films by Robert Beavers. He himself attends and selects the screenings which will be shown on two evenings September 24 and 25 .
Previous programmes:
September 97 - December 97
Margaret Tait Portrait of Ga GB 1952 4 16mm
Renate Sami Portrait eines Freundes Germany 1984 5 S8
Antje, Veronika und Lin Germany 1984 230 S8
wenn du eine rose siehst Germany 1995 5 16mm
Ernie Gehr Lisa and Suzanne USA 1969 9 16mm
Ute Aurand Kleine Terz Germany 1997 7 16mm
Marie Menken Moonplay USA 1962 4 16mm
Marie Menken Drips in Strips USA 1962 2 16mm
Madeleine Bernstorff and Elke aus dem Moore
die miesmuschelmacherinnen beim frühstück in ihren karierten pyjamas
Germany 1996 230 S8
Madeleine Bernstorff Zitronenfilm Germany 1997 230 S8
Theo Thiesmeier Hannover Germany 1983 230 S8
Theo Thiesmeier Dartmoor Germany 1985 230 S8
Theo Thiesmeier Apus apus Germany 1986 230 S8
Theo Thiesmeier Sommertag Germany 1986 230 S8
Theo Thiesmeier Concorde Germany 1989 5 16mm
Robert Breer Horse over Tea Kettle USA 1962 6 16mm
Karl Heil Fala Lala Germany 1991 11 16mm
Karl Heil Die Kammacher Germany 1993 11 16mm
Karl Heil and Bärbel Freund
Die drei gerechten Kammacher Germany 1993 20 16mm
Peter Nestler Wie macht man Glas? Sweden 1970 24 16mm
Elisabeth Wilms Weihnachtsbäckerei Germany 1943 12 16mm (screened
Ute Aurand Stachelbeeren Germany 1991 2 35mm
Theo Thiesmeier Baustelle Germany 1994 24 16mm
Ernie Gehr Serene Velocity USA 1970 23 16mm
Lili Herschhorn Die Wasserpumpe Afghanistan 1969 18 S8
Helen Levitt and James Agee
In the Streets USA 1951 16 16mm
Renate Sami Marokko Germany 1997 5 S8
Helga Fanderl Apfelernte;Mädchen;Sommer;Netzaufziehen
Germany1992 10 S8
Bruce Baillie All my Life USA 1966 3 16mm
Shirley Clarke Portrait of Jason USA 1967 110 35mm (screened VHS)
January 98 - December 98
Matthias Weiss Blue Velvet Germany 1970 57 35mm
Harry Smith Early abstractions USA 1941-57 22 16mm
James Benning Landscape Suicide USA 1986 95 16mm
Theo Thiesmeier Ernie schläft Germany 1995 2 16mm
Michael Haas 1984 Austria 1984 9 S8
Michael Haas 1997 Austria 1997 3 S8
Ute Aurand / Ulrike Pfeiffer OH ! Germany 1988 20 16mm
Shuji Terayama Ori Japan 1962 8 16mm
Warren Sonbert Noblesse Oblige USA 1981 25 16mm
Anne Muller /
Theo Thiesmeier Le Tour du Luxembourg Luxemburg 1998 35 16mm
Margaret Tait On the mountain GB 1974 32 16mm
Renate Sami Mit Pyramiden Germany 1990 93 16mm
Ute Aurand Terzen 1-11 Germany 1998 70 16mm
Karl Heil Die schwarze Prinzessin Germany 1970/75 15 S8
Karl Heil Happy Day Germany 1970/75 10 S8
Karl Heil Tod in der Sonne Germany 1970/75 20 S8
Karl Heil Conny und Peter Germany 1970/75 25 S8
Karl Heil Für ein paar Deutsch Mark mehr Germany 1970/75 15 S8
Ullrike Isenberg Mon cheri Germany 1998 8 VHS
Claudia Medeiros Samstag Germany 1998 130 16mm
Madeleine Bernstorff /
Elke aus dem Moore Trilogie Germany 1995/98 8 S8
Roswitha Baumeister Filmische Skizzen Germany 1985 7 S8
Les Blank The suns gonna shine USA 1968 10 16mm
Helga Fanderl Aus ihrem Archiv: 5min S8 Filme
Carlos Bustamante Karlotta Germany 1998 5 VHS
Anne Muller Film den meine Mutter gemacht hat
Luxemburg 1963/98 2 8mm
Ute Aurand / Ulrike Pfeiffer Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse Germany 1991 4 35mm
Germaine Dulac Etude cinématographique sur une arabesque
France 1929 7 16mm
Marcelle Tirache Notes dhiver opus 1 France 1998 3 16mm
Marcelle Tirache Notes dhiver opus 2 France 1998 3 16mm
Jane Belson Odds and ends USA 1958 5 16mm
Rose Lowder Bouquets 1-10 France 1994/95 11 16mm
Vivian Ostrowsky Public domain France 1996 13 16mm
Rudolph Pöch Bushman speaks into a phongraph Austria 1908 2 16mm
Joseph Cornell Rose Hobart USA 1936 19 16mm
Maya Deren Ritual in transfigured time USA 1946 15 16mm
Marie Menken Glimpse of the garden USA 1957 5 16mm
Stan Brakhage Mothlight USA 1963 5 16mm
Maxine and Mary J. Tsosie The spirit of the Navajos USA 1966 21 16mm
Petra Seeger / Jürgen Heiter Gsellmanns Augenfutter Germany 1979 40 16mm
Les Blank Spend it all USA 1971 41 16mm
Jakobine Engel Zone Germany 1985 13 S8
Jakobine Engel Grenzgänger Germany 1986 15 S8
Petra Kraus-Karon Schwarz Weiss Rot Germany 1982 2 16mm
Petra Kraus-Karon Wir haben auf Bäumen gehaust Germany 1988 10 16mm
Petra Kraus-Karon Tartans Plaids Bagpipes Germany 1992 12 16mm
January 99 -
Petra Buda Ein einzelnes Herz Germany 1997 40 16mm
Petra Buda Eine Liebe in Wismar Germany 1991 50 16mm
Miriam Cahn nur bäume Switzerland 1991 3 S8
Miriam Cahn nur blitze Switzerland 1989 20 S8
Miriam Cahn fast nur wolken ( +blumen) Switzerland 1988 40 S8
Miriam Cahn aus der barake Switzerland 1988 30 S8
Ingo Kratisch / Jutta Sartory Gelände gezeichnet Germany 1992/94 32 16mm
Ingo Kratisch / Jutta Sartory Ein Fluss, eine Stadt, ein Weg Germany 1997 25 16mm
Len Lye Particles in space USA 1961/66 5 16mm
Hou Hsiao Hsien Geschichten einer fernen Kindheit
Taiwan/China 1985 145 35mm
Axel Schmidt Lure of the unknown love Germany 1987 5 16mm
Peter Hutton New York Portrait Chapter 1 USA 1977/78 15 16mm
Detel und Ute Aurand Fadenspiele Germany 1995/99 7 16mm
Len Lye Colour Cry USA 1952 3 16mm
Len Lye Rainbow Dance GB 1936 5 16mm
Len Lye Tal Farlow USA 1980 2 16mm
Anita Thacher Loose Corner USA 1986 10 16mm
Bruce Baillie Valentin de las sierras USA 1967 10 16mm
Margaret Tait Portrait of Ga GB 1952 4 16mm
Milena Gierke New York Film Diary Germany 1994/95 90 S8
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