The American Century: Art & Culture 19002000
Part II: 19502000
The Cool World: Film & Video in America 19502000
Part II: 1970-2000 (February 2000)
Curated by Chrissie Iles, curator, Film and Video, Whitney Museum of
American Art, and Bradley Eros, Brian Frye and Mark McElhatten.
Tuesday, February 1
John Brattin, Funeral, 1995, videotape, color and b/w, sound, 8 min.
Julie Murray, If you stand with your back to the slowing of the speed of light in water, 1997, 16mm film, color, sound, 17 min.
Thad Povey, A Different Kind of Green, 1989, 16mm film, color and b/w, sound, 6 min.
Joseph Cornell, Cotillion, The Midnight Party and Children's Party, c. 1940, released c. 1970, b/w with color tint, silent, 25 min.
Lewis Klahr, Altair, 1994, 16mm film, color, sound, 10 min.
Phil Solomon, Twilight Psalm I: The Lateness of the Hour, 1999, 16mm film, color, silent, 8 min.
2 pm
Keith Sanborn, Mirror, 1999, videotape, color and b/w, sound, 6 min.
Elizabeth LeCompte and The Wooster Group, Rhyme‘em To Death, 1994, videotape, b/w, sound, 11 min.
Michael Almereyda, The Rocking Horse Winner, 1997, videotape, b/w, sound, 23 min.
Tony Oursler, Evol, 1984, videotape, color, sound, 29 min.
George Kuchar, The Fall of the House of Jasmin, 1991, videotape, color, sound, 52 min.
4 pm
Come Shadow and Take This Shadow Up
Andrew Noren, The Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse, Part V: The Lighted Field, 1987, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 61 min.
Andrew Noren, Imaginary Light (Part VI of The Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse), 1994, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 31 min.
Wednesday, February 2
Robert Fenz, Vertical Air, 1996, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 28 min.
Nancy Graves, Isy Boukir, 1971, 16mm film, color, sound, 16 min.
Bill Morrison, The Death Train, 1993, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 17 min.
Betzy Bromberg, Ciao Bella, 1978, 16mm film, color, sound, 13 min.
2 pm
Julie Zando, Hey Bud, 1987, videotape, color, sound, 11 min.
Bruce Conner, Television Assassination, 1963-1995, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 14 min.
Brian Springer, Spin, 1995, videotape, color, sound, 58 min.
Bill Stamets, Primary Visibility: Notes From New Hampshire, 1992, videotape, color, sound, 21 min.
4 pm
Dianne Barry, The Annuciation, 1974, Super-8mm film, color, sound, 8 min.
Mary Neth Reed, Under the Honey Tree, 1999, 16mm film, color, sound, 4 min.
Joyce Wieland and Hollis Frampton, A+B in Ontario, (1966/1984), 1984, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 16 min.
Scott Stark, Hotel Cartograph, 1983, 16mm film, color, sound, 11 min.
Janis Crystal Lipzin, The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, 1976, 16mm film, color, sound, 12 min.
Zack Stiglicz, God the Pugilist, 1996, 16mm film, color, sound, 12 min.
Bruce Conner, Looking for Mushrooms, 1996, 16mm film, color, sound, 14 min.
Jennifer Reeves, Configurations 20, 1994, 16mm film, color, sound, 12 min.
Thursday, February 3
1:15 pm
Greta Snider, Mute, 1991, 16mm film, color, sound, 14 min.
Greta Snider, Flight, 1996, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 5 min.
Mark LaPore, The Five Bad Elements, 1997, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 32 min.
Leslie Thornton, Another Worldy, 1998-1999, videotape, b/w and color, 24 min.
Scott Stark, Noema, 1998, 16mm film, color, sound, 11 min.
3 pm
Lana Lin, I Begin to Know You, 1992, 16mm film, color, sound, 2 min.
Lana Lin, Sphere: Circle: Round, 1992, 16mm film, color, sound, 2 min.
Lana Lin, Through the Door, 1992, 16mm film, color, sound, 3 min.
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Mouth to Mouth, 1975, videotape, color, sound, 8 min.
Ernie Marrero and Susan Kougel, One Day Franz Brought Me to Me to His House, 1982, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 15 min.
Su Friedrich, Gently Down the Stream, 1981, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 14 min.
Eve Heller, Last/Lost, 1996, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 13 min.
Greta Snider, Futility, 1989, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 9 min.
Michael Wallin, Decodings, 1988, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 15 min.
4:30 pm
Bruce Conner, 5:10 To Dreamland, 1977, 16mm film, sepia, sound, 5 min.
Stan Brakhage, Murder Psalm, 1981, 16mm film, color, silent, 16 min.
Max and Dave Fleischer, Bimbo's Initiation, 1931, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 7 min.
Joe Dante, Twilight Zone, The Movie, Episode Three, 1983, videotape, color, sound, 20 min. excerpt of 101 min. film
Todd Haynes, Dottie Gets Spanked, 1993, videotape, color, sound, 25 min.
6 pm
End of the Rainbow - The Passion of Edie
Mark Morrisroe, The Laziest Girl In Town, 1984, videotape, color, sound, 20 min.
Luther Price, A, 1995, Super-8mm film, b/w and color, sound, 55 min.
Friday, February 4
Storming the Memory Palace
Kathy High, Last Home, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 13 min.
Caroline Avery, Midweekend, 1985, 16mm film, color, silent, 7 min.
Julie Murray, Conscious, 1993, 16mm film, color, silent, 10 min.
Janie Geiser, The Secret Story, 1996, 16mm film, color, sound, 9 min.
Pelle Lowe, Earthly Possessions, 1992, Super-8mm, b/w, sound, 25 min.
Tom Rhoads, Warm Broth, 1998, Super-8mm, color, sound, 36 min.
2 pm
M.M. Serra, Soi Meme, 1995, 16mm film, color, sound, 5 min.
M.M. Serra, L'amour Fou, 1992, 16mm film, color, sound, 20 min.
Tom Chomont, Razor Head, 1984, 16mm film, color, silent, 4 min.
Joel Schlemowitz, Channeled Energies, 1993, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 3 min.
Jerry Tartaglia, 1969, 1969/1991, 16mm film, color, sound, 16 min.
Jerry Tartaglia, Ecce Homo, 1989, 16mm film, color, sound, 7 min.
Jennifer Reeves, Girls Daydream about Hollywood, 1992, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 5 min.
Jennifer Reeves, Monsters in the Closet, 1993, 16mm film, color, sound, 15 min.
Maria Beatty, The Elegant Spanking, 1996, videotape, b/w, sound, 30 min.
4 pm
"If only Joan crow…Ford had been in Shanghai Gesture instead of Gene Tierney It Would Have Been a Veritable Bonanza for American Culture." (Jack Smith's aside to Mark McElhatten before a performance of Sacrificing Salmon - a Jack Smith Easter pageant.)
"Jack Smith is the only one I know who knows how to use color backwards."- Andy Warhol
Jack Smith, Normal Love, 1963, 16mm film, color, sound, 60 min.
Jack Smith, Normal Love Addendum Reel, 1968, 16mm film, color, sound, 20 min.
Jack Smith, Respectable Creatures, c. 1967, 16mm film, color, sound, 25 min.
6 pm
Uncaged: An Evening With Tony Conrad
Saturday, February 5
The Subcinema
Ken Jacobs, The Subcinema, Film Performance, 1991, approx. 2 hours.
Chronometer, film performance with audiotape
Phonograph, audiotape
Opening the 19th Century: 1896, 16mm film, b/w, mostly silent
Better To Be Frightened Than To Be Crushed, 16mm film performance, b/w and color, soundtrack of The Black Cat by Edgar Ulmer, 1934
2 pm
Luis Recoder, Untitled, 1999, 16mm film, color, silent, 12 min.
James Otis, Ein Baum fuer die Eingelmaenner, 1976, 16mm film, color, silent, 2 min.
Len Lye, Color Cry, Particles in Space, Tal Farlow, Rhythm and Free Radicals, 1952-79, 16mm film, b/w and color, sound, 13 min.
Jim Jennings, The School of Athens, 1997, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 12 min.
Fred Worden, One, 1998, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 23 min.
3:30 pm
Jim Jennings, Fall (a.k.a. Wall Street), 1980, 16mm film, color, silent, 6 min.
Dan Barnett, Endless, 1987-90, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 45 min.
Interval (10 min.)
Henry Hills, North Beach, 1978, 16mm film, color and b/w, silent, 10 min.
Ernie Gehr, Side/Walk/Shuttle, 1991, 16mm film, color, sound, 41 min.
Sunday, February 6
Robert Attanasio, Rubber Crutches, 1979-90, Super-8mm film, color, sound, 25 min.
Joe Gibbons, Living in the World (Part One), 1985, 16mm film, color, sound, 15 min. excerpt
George Kuchar, Return to the House of Pain, 1988, videotape, color, sound, 27 min.
Anne Robertson, Alien Corn, 1995-, Super-8mm film, color, sound, 17 min.
Anne Robertson, Reel 80: Emily Died, 1998, Super-8mm film, color, sound, 26 min., excerpt from Five-Year Diary, 1981- (work in progress), 36 hrs.+
2 pm
The Human Dress
Kerry Laitala, Secure the Shadow, 1997, 16mm film, color, sound, 8 min.
Lewis Klahr, Downs Are Feminine, 1994, 16mm film, color, sound, 9 min.
Jeanne Liotta, Blue Moon, 1988, Super-8mm, sound, 3 min.
Anne Severson, Nearing The Big Chakra, 1972, 16mm film, color, silent, 17 min.
Curt McDowell, Nudes (A Sketchbook), 1975, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 30 min.
Susana Donovan, Boy Frankentein, 1994, videotape, b/w, sound, 9 min.
Hollis Frampton, Apparatus Sum (Studies for Magellan: #1), 1972, 16mm film, color, silent, 2 min.
Gail Camhi, Bellevue Film, 1977-78, 16mm film, b/w,
silent, 20 min.
Andrei Zdravic, Phenix, 1975, 16mm film, color, silent, 11 min.
4 pm
Bruce Conner, America is Waiting, 1978, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 3 min.
Mark Street, Blue Movie, 1994, 16mm film, color, sound, 5 min.
Stan Brakhage, Christ Mass Sex Dance, 1991, 16mm film, color, sound, 5 min.
Henry Hills, Kino Da!, 1981, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 4 min.
Peter Rose, Secondary Currents, 1982, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 18 min.
Stephanie Barber, Metronome, 1998, 16mm film, color, sound, 11 min.
Hollis Frampton, Critical Mass, 1971, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 25 min.
Tuesday, February 8
The Projected Image: 1
11 am – 6 pm
Burt Barr, Rain Piece, 1998, video projection, b/w, sound, 15 min. Continuous loop
Wednesday, February 9
The Projected Image: 2
11 am – 6 pm
Beryl Korot, Hindenburg, 1998, video projection, b/w, sound, continuous loop
Thursday, February 10
1:15 pm
In The Realm of the Senseless
Half Lifers, Control Corridor, 1998, videotape, color, sound, 11 min.
Anne McGuire, The Waltons, 1996, videotape, color, sound, 7 min.
Emily Breer, Superhero, 1994, 16mm film, color, sound, 10 min.
Mary Fillipo, Peace O'Mind, 1983, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 8 min.
Heather McAdams, Mr. Glenn W. Turner, 1990, videotape, color and b/w, sound, 9 min.
Half Lifers, Actions in Action, 1998, videotape, color, sound, 11 min.
Animal Charm, Ashley, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 9 min.
Animal Charm, Stuffing, 1998, videotape, color, sound, 4 min.
Emily Cronbach, The Parenthetical Trap, 1988, 16mm film, color, sound, 9 min.
2:30 pm
Tarantella (terminal lullabye)
Stephanie Barber, It Fell Possum, 1997, 16mm film, color, sound, 6 min.
Stephanie Barber, Safe, 1996, 16mm film, color, sound, 7 min.
Martha Colburn, Spiders In Love: An Arachnorgasmic Musical, 1999, 16mm film, color, sound, 3 min.
Joe Gibbons, Sabotaging Spring, 1990, videotape, b/w, sound, 15 min.
Sadie Benning, German Song, 1995, videotape, b/w, sound, 5 min.
Julie Murray, Mantilla, 1991, Super-8mm, color, sound, 17 min.
Tom Rhoads, Green, 1988, Super-8mm, color, sound, 36 min.
4 pm
Miranda July, The Amateurist, 1998, videotape color, sound, 17 min.
Erika Beckman, Hiatus, 1999, 16mm film, color, sound, 30 min.
Caspar Stracke, Circle's Short Circuit, 1998, videotape, color and b/w, sound, 85 min.
6.30 pm
Beware! In Playing the Phantom, You Become One
Johan Grimonprez, Family Viewing, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 40 min.
Excerpts from the video lounge project Beware! In Playing the Phantom, You Become One, a video library conceived by Johan Grimonprez and Herman Asselberghs in 1997 for Documenta X, in which viewers selected their own video programs from the comfort of couches and
Johan Grimonprez, Dial. H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, 1997 videotape, color and b/w, sound, 68 min
Friday, February 11
Peter Hutton
Images of Asian Music (A Diary from Life 1973-74), 1973-74, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 29 min.
New York Portrait: Chapter One, 1978-79, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 16 min.
Florence, 1975, 16mm film, b/w silent, 7 min.
In Titian’s Goblet, 1991, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 10 min.
And other films to be announced
2 pm
Sadie Benning
If Every Girl Had A Diary, 1990, videotape, b/w, sound, 6 min.
Jollies, 1990, videotape, b/w, sound, 11 min.
Flat is Beautiful, 1998, videotape, b/w, sound, 50 min.
4 pm
Robert Breer; Selected Films 1956 to 1997
Recreation, 1956, 16mm film, color, sound, 2 min.
Blazes, 1961, 16mm film, color, sound, 3 min.
Eye Wash, 1959, 16mm film, color, silent, 3 min.
Pat’s Birthday, 1962, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 13 min.
Fist Fight, 1964, 16mm film, color, sound, 11 min.
Fuji, 1974, 16mm film, color, sound, 8 min.
Rubber Cement, 1976, 16mm film, color, sound, 10 min.
77, 1977, 16mm film, color, sound, 7 min.
TZ, 1979, 16mm film, color, sound, 8 min.
Bang, 1986, 16mm film, color, sound, 10 min.
Time Flies, 1997, 16mm film, color, sound, 8 min.
Saturday, February 12
Ellen Gaine, #3, 1970-80, Super-8mm, b/w, silent, 25 min.
Greg Sharits, Ode to Communism, 1980, 8mm film, color, silent, 16 min.
Peter Herwitz, Winter Dream Lieder, 1993, 16mm film, color, silent, 12 min.
Steve Polta, Departure, 1997, 16mm film, color, sound, 8 min.
Peter Herwitz, In The Shape Of Waking, 1989-1990, 16mm film, color, silent, 25 min.
Vincent Grenier, Time's Wake (Once Removed), 1987, 16mm film, color, silent, 13 min.
2 pm
Nathaniel Dorsky
Triste, 1996, 16mm film (18 fps), color, silent, 18 min.
Pnuema, 1977-83, 16mm film (18 fps), color, silent, 28 min.
17 Reasons Why, 1985-87, 16mm film (18 fps), color, silent, 19 min.
4 pm
Bitemporal Vision: The Sea
Ken Jacobs, Bitemporal Vision: The Sea, 1994, Nervous System Film-Performance with Pulfrich filter, two analytic stop-motion 16mm film projectors, duplicate 16mm b/w films, audiotape, with Pulfrich filter, Cinematography by Phil Solomon, 75 min.
Sunday, February 13
11.30 am
Mike Kelley and Paul McCarthy, Heidi, 1992, videotape, color, sound, 62 min.
12.45 pm
Young and Restless
Cheryl Donegan, Head, videotape, color, sound, 3 min.
Alix Pearlstein, Pet, Fluffy Cheezy, Bunny 1993, videotape, color, sound, 5 min.
Kristin Lucas, Cable Xcess, 1996, videotape, color, sound, 5 min.
Kristin Lucas, Host, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 7 min.
Phyllis Baldino, Nano-cadabra, 1998, videotape, color, sound, 5 min.
Johnna MacArthur, Chalk Confessions, 1996, videotape color, sound, 14 min.
Vanessa Beecroft, Piano Americano, 1996, videotape, color, silent, 10 min. (excerpt)
2 pm
The City is a Box Full of Speed
David Ryan, Rarefaction, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 10 min.
Seoungho Cho, Rev, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 11 min.
Jem Cohen, Lost Book Found, 1996, videotape, color, sound, 37 min.
3 pm
Mysterious Journey
Larry Cuba, 3/78, 1978, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 6 min.
Brian Hoffer, Millenium Sphere, Ariadne’s Clew, 1999, videotape, color, sound, 5 min.
Larry Cuba, Two Space, 1978, 16mm film, b/w, sound, 8 min.
Adam Beckett, Heavy Light, 1973, 16mm film, color, sound, 7 min.
Jordan Belson, Mysterious Journey, 1997, videotape, color, sound, 30 min.
4 pm
The Parameters of the Image
Katy Schimert, Astronaut, 1997, 16mm film, b/w, silent
T. J. Wilcox, The Escape (of Marie Antoinette), 1996, 16mm film, color, sound, 12 min.
Sharon Lockhart, Goshogaoka, 1997, 16mm film, color, sound, 15 min.
Liisa Roberts, 9 Minutes of Form: A Sculpture by Liisa Roberts, 1993, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 9 min.
Liisa Roberts, a drwaing, 1994, 16mm film, b/w, silent, 19 sec.