From: Douglas Katelus (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Mar 09 2006 - 16:00:15 PST
It is true that entry fee's keep a festival afloat. But it it also an
unfortunate truth that if more government money was going into the arts this
would not be a necessity.
One thing beyond what either of you has talked about are exorbitant entry
fees. When a fee can run between $10-60?? that higher portion may have a
little of what mister zander is talking about, or not maybe they fly and
house all the filmmakers to the show free of charge (which I highly doubt,
speaking hypothetically of course.)
Yes and one more thing, entry fee's are not the only form of income a
festival takes on. Not only are there admission prices (of which no
filmmaker sees a dollar) and let us not forget sponsors particularly at
those larger festivals that also seem to have higher entry fees. Strange
coincidence I think.
I feel we need to be aware of both sides of the story. A festival needs
money to keep operating. But no film/video maker needs to go on exploited.
just a few thoughts.
>From: Jason Halprin <email suppressed>
>Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
>To: email suppressed
>Subject: Entry Fee Rereredux
>Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 11:06:55 -0800
>Though I'm not surprised to see this pop up on Frameworks once again,
>and don't wish to see if persist for long, where do you think your
>entry fees go? Venues don't rent themselves, prints (and tapes) don't
>mysteriously teleport from filmmaker to projectionist, and programs
>don't always come from stolen paper.
>I have never known a festival director who is well paid for what they
>do, and I've known many more that are entirely unpaid.
>A festival takes money to run, and if you don't want to pay an entry
>fee to a particular festival, then you have made a valid choice to not
>have your work screened there.
>-Jason Halprin
>--- "jarrod whaley." <email suppressed> wrote:
> > xander!!! . wrote:
> > > what is up with 'entry fees' to film festivals, does anybody else
> > > think that this is a perverted culture? like a weird pyramid scheme
> > or
> > > something corrupt?
> > > wtf?
> > I very much agree. You might as well flush your money down the
> > toilet.
> >
> > -->jarrod whaley.
> > filmmaker. videographer.
> > web designer. educator.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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