From: Tripod Depot (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Apr 22 2006 - 04:47:29 PDT
>>"exhibition that include displays
>> of human waste on religious symbols"
bovine is OK.
Isn't it?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Kreines" <email suppressed>
To: <email suppressed>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: End of the Ann Arbor Film Fest?
> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Subject: FW: Legislation Affecting MCACA funding
>>> Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 20:23:27 -0400
>>> Looks like the Film Festival is in big trouble and will lose state
>>> funding for two years. L
>>> However this affects us all in the arts.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Subject: Legislation Affecting MCACA funding
>>> Please read the email below regarding a House Subcommittee for the
>>> Department of
>>> History, Arts and Libraries (HAL) meeting that took place on
>>> Tuesday. If you did not know already, certain republican
>>> legislators are interested in slashing arts funding and they have
>>> made an example of the AA Film Fest (Sex Workers Art Show, Crispy
>>> Glover's movie, etc.) to justify this.
>>> A recommendation was made at this meeting that
>>> * The Department will not award funding to the Ann Arbor film
>>> festival, or its successor, for a period of two fiscal years
>>> beginning
>>> October 1, 2006.
>>> Sadly, this is not surprising to the Film Fest Board or Staff.
>>> However, please note these recommendations to "Arts Grants
>>> Prohibitions":
>>> * The House Subcommittee added a new subdivision to also prohibit
>>> funding for projects or activities that are not directly funded, but
>>> are in conjunction with an event or exhibition that include displays
>>> of human waste on religious symbols, displays of sex acts, or
>>> depictions of flag desecration.
>>> * Possible Penalties (NEW) - The House Subcommittee added a new
>>> subsection that allows the department to withhold any remaining
>>> undistributed grant payments for a recipient who doesn't comply with
>>> the above prohibitions. The recipient also may be disqualified from
>>> future grants for up to 5 years.
>>> Please consider how this language can be construed in regard to
>>> our organization. Thank you ~Tara
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Date: Apr 19, 2006 1:03 PM
>>> Subject: House Appropriations Subcommittee Makes FY 2006-2007
>>> History,
>>> Arts and Libraries Budget Recommendations
>>> ArtServe Michigan
>>> GrassRoots Arts Advocacy Network Distribution
>>> Editor: Drew Buchholz
>>> 2006 Issue 8
>>> On Tuesday, April 18th, the House Subcommittee for the Department of
>>> History, Arts and Libraries (HAL) made its FY 2006-2007 budget
>>> recommendation to the full House Appropriations Committee.
>>> The Subcommittee's Recommendations
>>> Increase State funding for Arts and Cultural Grants by $265,900 GF/
>>> GP.
>>> This represents a $50,000 reduction from the Governors
>>> recommendation
>>> of an increase of $315,900.
>>> Prioritization of Arts Grants
>>> * (Original) The department is to give priority to arts and cultural
>>> projects that serve multiple counties or that leverage significant
>>> additional public or private investment
>>> * The House Subcommittee added "significant potential to increase
>>> tourism or attract or retain businesses or residents"
>>> Arts Grants Prohibitions
>>> * (Original) The department shall not award grants for projects or
>>> activities that include displays of human waste on religious symbols,
>>> displays of sex acts, or depictions of flag desecration.
>>> * The House Subcommittee added a new subdivision to also prohibit
>>> funding for projects or activities that are not directly funded, but
>>> are in conjunction with an event or exhibition that include displays
>>> of human waste on religious symbols, displays of sex acts, or
>>> depictions of flag desecration.
>>> * Possible Penalties (NEW) - The House Subcommittee added a new
>>> subsection that allows the department to withhold any remaining
>>> undistributed grant payments for a recipient who doesn't comply with
>>> the above prohibitions. The recipient also may be disqualified from
>>> future grants for up to 5 years.
>>> Representative Taub (R-Bloomfield Hills) Amendment
>>> * The Department will not award funding to the Ann Arbor film
>>> festival, or its successor, for a period of two fiscal years
>>> beginning
>>> October 1, 2006.
>>> We appreciate the House Subcommittee for increasing funding for Arts
>>> and Cultural by $265,900 over last year.
>>> Now is the time to contact the full House Appropriations Committee to
>>> urge them to go above and beyond the subcommittee's recommendation
>>> and
>>> increase funding for Arts and Cultural grants to the Governors
>>> recommendation of $315,900.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
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