Re: DVD traders/viewers list of address for exchange

From: Cari Machet (email suppressed)
Date: Wed May 24 2006 - 14:37:51 PDT

thanks so much michael
here is my add.

cari machet
101 w. 10th st
NYC 10011

both lists are good for me


On 5/24/06, Michael Betancourt <email suppressed> wrote:
> I'm compiling the list of people looking to trade work via DVD, and
> already have a bunch of people either from off-list emails or the earlier
> thread. Anyone else who wants on, please let me know.
> Also, if you were in the earlier thread, but don't have anything together
> on DVD or can't trade work right now, but want to be included let me know.
> I'm putting together a second set of people who are looking to see, but
> can't do the trading right now.
> I'm setting this up as a check-list style sheet so everyone can keep track
> of what's been sent/received that I'll send off as a .pdf (If you need
> something else, let me know and I'll see what I can do).
> Contact me on or off-list--either is fine. I'm going to try and get the
> list together and send to everyone involved on June 1.
> Thanks!
> Michael Betancourt
> Des Moines, IA USA
> the avant-garde film & video blog
> __________________________________________________________________ For
> info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.