Frameworks Archive May - August 2006
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Starting: Sun Apr 30 2006 - 09:04:54 PDT
Ending: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 23:39:12 PDT
- "Cold Hearts" - Icelandic vids in Providence and Chicago - 7/20 + 7/22
- "Newfangled Flims" from Canyon Cinema
- "Super 8 Today" Magazine, new issue out
- "Super 8 Today" Magazine, new issue out - Correction
- "The Mormon Church Explains It All to You" in NYC
- "The Mormon Church Explains. . ."
- (no subject)
- (nostalgia)
- 10 days until FLEXFEST deadline
- 16mm camera developments / " Frameworkers interested in working in HD "
- 16mm camera repair in the Bay Area?
- 16mm film in the Hollywood industry
- 16mm films for sale: Brooklyn
- 2006 Onion City Festival Award Winners
- 4th Annual Reel Venus Film Festival - 7/26 - 7/27 - NYC
- 50.8
- 7th Annual Northeast Historic Film Summer Symposium
- [FRAY] this THURS + FRI!
- [Fwd: CFP: Excesses and Extremes in Film and Video]
- [Fwd: lynne SACHS and mark STREET at MONKEYTOWN]
- [promo-ish] Ira Cohen DVD
- A Cinema of Physics and Perception - Space Flattened: May 5, 2006 in Chicago
- A Cinema of Physics and Perception - Spatial Acrobatics: May 12, 2006 in Chicago
- A Cinema of Physics and Perception: Depth & Z-Axis Motion - June 2, 2006 in Chicago
- A Cinema of Physics and Perception: Signifiers/Language & Sonic Celluloid - May 18th & 19th in Chicago
- A Cinema of Physics and Perception: Understanding Symbols and Acquiring Knowledge - May 26th, 2006 in Chicago
- a letter to Palestinian and Lebanese filmmakers
- A Summer Evening with Ben Russell
- A Summer Evening With Tobias Schmuecking
- abjectleader in sanfrancisco (needs some help)
- abjectleader in sanfrancisco (needs some help) - outdoor projection and dirt
- abstract art now / wilhelm hack museum / _grau
- Adam Beckett Film Screening
- Advertising Anarchism: Call for Submissions
- alternative to clear leader (16mm)
- Andrew Noren's Charmed Particles
- Anger in Midsummer
- Animated Bike-In - Call for animated films/videos
- Anthology Film Archives and Newfilmmakers Series
- Anthology Film Archives and Newfilmmakers Series (was the Tank)
- Anthology Film Archives and Newfilmmakers Series and Withoutabox
- Antimatter Festival 2006 --> Deadline Approaching
- apropos of onion city
- Arri B mount port cap
- Arri B or Std mount port cap (follow-up)
- Arri B or Std mount port cap (Sam W)
- artfilmperformance - experimental film event SATURDAY, May 27 - TRIBECA
- artfilmperformance - experimental film event SUNDAY, May 7, and 27
- artfilmperformance - experimental film event TOMORROW, May 3, 7, and 27
- artfilmperformance - synthetic zero film event TODAY, 7PM, SATURDAY, May 27 - TRIBECA
- Article on Fate of Ann Arbor Festival
- Artists' Film and Video Day in London
- artwallah
- aspect ratio stuff (was Kenneth Anger restorations (from Ross L))
- Aspect Ratios on video discs etc
- At the Limits of Cinema: A Leslie Thornton Retrospective May 22-24
- Auder, Oursler, Van Sant & more photos & negatives on ebay
- avant garde blog-a-thon
- AVANT2006
- AW: Daniel Eisenberg
- AW: Maxwell, Wittgenstein, Sacks... Reading suggestions on color?
- Away & show (fwd)
- B/W processing and printing
- B/W processing and printing (Cine Lab)
- B/W processing and printing (follow-up with rates)
- B/W processing and printing (MovieLab)
- Ballet Mecanique rights in Europe
- Bearded Child Film Festival-- CALL FOR ENTRIES!!!
- BeardedChild Film Fest-- Last Call! No entry fee!
- Beaulieu 5008S / double system sound
- Beaulieu question
- Beckett/Ionesco/Genet at Moma - please post/forward
- Bertil Petersson
- Bill Brown in Pittsburgh for Pedal Powered movie/bike tour
- Bill Daniel/Who is Bozo Texino? in upstate NY
- Bill Viola on DVD
- Blank Subject
- blank subject line
- blog inquiry
- blogging david gatten
- Bolex 16mm
- Booking Question
- Brakhage print on ebay
- Brakhage, Paik, Whitney, Lye on YouTube
- Brian Frye Contact
- broke rex 4 piggy back riding a small j.k.
- bryan konefsky new mexico
- California Tour
- California Tour / Stop Motion Nudes
- Call for Entries--FLEX FEST 2006
- CALL FOR ENTRIES: New York Experimental @ The Tank
- Call for Papers
- Call for works
- camcorders
- Can I edit acetate base film with a sonic splicer?
- can I unsuscribe the listserv?
- Canyon Cinema Screening
- Carmen D'Avino & Cecile Starr
- Carmen D'Avino + his films: preservation help needed!
- carolee schneemann
- Caught in my underwear
- Censorship Issue
- Chauvel Cinematheque
- Chicago Screenings Announcement
- Choice Cuts Film in Boston
- Chris Marker trades
- CIR super-8 splicer
- circus
- City Symphonies and Ralph Steiner at the Harvard Film Archive
- Colorcalm and Microcinema International Launch Microambience: The Ambient Media Distribution Service
- Community Memorial for Robert Ariganello, former executive director of LIFT
- Competition announcement
- Concert with the Electronic Music Foundation and NYU Composers Ensemble
- contact for Stefan Roloff?
- Contact for Steve Anker?
- CONTACT INFORMATION (from Ross Lipman)
- contrast
- converting Reel to Reel into digital
- cool new filmmaking duo
- Current TV needs content
- d.i.y. rear projection screen/ kaleidoscope projector/ ESPERS
- Dance Movies Sought
- Daniel Eisenberg
- David Tetzlaff and all: camcorders & Beautiful Bride
- Deadline July 15th
- dear sam/Blank Subject
- developing Super 8 Ektachrome Color Reversal 7280
- Diana Barrie
- Diane Bonder
- Diane Bonder's screening May 13th & 17th at MOMA!!
- did Brakhage ever hand process or hand print?
- digest
- Digital Flicker filters
- Directors Lounge in Poznan PL - PLAYLIST
- Directors Lounge Special Selection in Poznan PL
- Directors Lounge: A Summer Evening with Kim Collmer
- DIY Rear-Projection Screen
- Documentaries/Other Films on Madness
- dolby sr
- dolby sr?
- dvd research
- DVD trade list
- dvd traders--last call
- DVD traders/viewers list of address for exchange
- DVD traders/viewers list of address for exchange]
- dvd trades (captain pj)
- early warning: Canyon screening, 9/8
- En: blank subject line
- End of the Ann Arbor Film Fest?
- ENEMY IMAGE by Mark Daniels
- eraserhead s/t
- evolution 2006
- exhaustion, the send key, and gender
- EXiS deadline in 5 days- May 13(postmark)
- EXP24 Call for entries: Leeds UK film event
- Experimental DVDs and DVD awards at Bologna, Italy film festival
- Experimental Filmmakers - Deadline Approaching
- Extended Deadline - The International Experimental Cinema Exposition
- Fall Arts Preview for Jewish Week in NYC
- Festival Program News / Submissions Due Sept. 1
- festival program update / final day for submission / tour show
- film connections in Argentina
- film culture magazine index pdf
- Film Screening: Soma: An Anarchist Therapy July 3 & 5 in NYC (fwd)
- films made with microfilming cameras?
- Final Physics & Perception Screening TONIGHT in Chicago!
- Flipped Chips
- follow up on sonic splicing of acetate base film.
- follow up on sonic splicing of acetate base film. - contact printer
- for sale
- for sale Bolex SBM
- Forox for the taking
- Frameworks Archive post "Have Auricon Knowedge?" from October 12, 2005 at 10:38:25
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 20 Jul 2006 to 21 Jul 2006 - Special issue (#2006-75)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 21 Jul 2006 - Special issue (#2006-77)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 21 Jul 2006 to 22 Jul 2006 - Special issue (#2006-78)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 9 Aug 2006 to 10 Aug 2006 - Special issue (#2006-101)
- Frampton How-To
- free dvd
- free dvd=awesome
- free films in brighton UK
- Free To Be...You and Me Invitational at Ocularis TONIGHT
- French zine seeking experimental / underground directors
- Friday submission deadline / Festival program update
- Fwd: [AMIA-L] Quantegy liquidating tape machines!
- Fwd: [NYC-GardensCoalition] Day de Dada @ Le Petit Versailles
- Fwd: ahwesh personal archive
- Fwd: For Life Against the War Again Call for Work
- Global Experimental Cinema: Two empirical refutations from downsouth
- Guy Sherwin at Ocularis TONIGHT
- Hal Hartley Named as Juror for Independent Exposure 2007
- Heaven and Earth Magic
- Help in New Jersey ASAP!! for a film show.
- home movies
- home movies and experimental film
- home movies and experimental film (saul levine)
- Images Festival (Toronto) 2007 call for Installation, New Media, Performance submissions
- Images Festival [Toronto] job opportunities
- Images Festival Employment Opportunity: Artistic Director
- Images Festival: Artistic Director
- Immersions in Lowell, MA, Friday July 28
- Immersions: Dance, Music and Video Improvisation, 07.28.06 119 Gallery , Lowell MA
- Immersions:Music and Video Improvisation, 09.09.06 119 Gallery , Lowell MA
- Inflatable Screen
- interior monolog
- interior monologue
- International residency India
- IRA COHEN & SUNBURNED HAND OF THE MAN / live / Brussels / Sept 24
- Ira Cohen and Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda in NYT
- is experimental film becoming popular
- Jack Smith documentary
- Jalal Toufic
- James Benning: Fifty Years to Life
- James Tenney 1934-2006
- Japanese New Wave
- Jefferson Presents ... NEXT SCREENING: This Thursday with a visiting filmmaker
- Jefferson Presents JULY program
- Jefferson Presents Pittsburgh Saturday, MAY 27 program
- Jefferson Presents...8/26/06
- Jeffrey SKiller Contact Info
- Jennifer Montgomery
- JK35 Optical printer available
- Joan of Arc
- judges' statement
- judges' statement - gender representation in exp film
- judges' statement - Popularity of experimental cinema.
- Just Published
- Karel Doing / NYC Films
- Karel Doing in person Sat / NYC Films MON -FREE-
- Kenneth Anger Influences
- Kenneth Anger restorations
- Kenneth Anger restorations (from Ross L)
- Kenneth Anger/Susan Sontag question
- Kenneth Anger: Senators in bondage
- Kenneth Anger: The love that whirls
- Kodachrome - s8 processing extended, 16mm discontinued
- Kodachrome - s8 processing extended, and a question about prepaid processing
- Kodachrome and blue flashes - how to scratch...
- Kodachrome Quality. Dwayne's vs Switzerland.
- Kodachrome Quality: Dwayne's vs Switzerland
- kodachrome!
- Kodak Pageant 250A Sound Projector
- Kodaliths
- kor
- Kurt Ralske / Monday June 5 / Location One
- la jetee and marker's english versions
- la jettee
- la jettee / sans soleil
- Lab News/East Coast
- labels
- labels & formats
- labels/original intent of post
- labels/original intent of post (Funes, the Memorious)
- labels/poor little thread, so tired.....
- LAST CALL. Festival 2006 :: [EN] Call for Entries :: [FR] Appel a' proposition :: [DE] Teilnahmeaufruf
- Late Notice: A-G Blog-A-Thon
- le joli mai
- Lemon
- Lenny Lipton
- Lenny Lipton Ooops
- lens question
- Letters from Lebanon
- LONDON FILM FESTIVAL, Final Call for Entries
- Looking at Friel's decade
- looking for 'Spacy' by Takashi Ito
- Looking for a Bolex
- looking for bruce posner
- looking for films from Greenland
- Looking for Sadie Benning
- Looking for viewing possibilities in the LA Area
- Los Angeles ---> Jack Smith <---next week
- MadCat at Ocularis TOMORROW
- MadCat screens at Ocularis Tonight
- MadCat screens at UCLA
- Make-Out Club #2 (another thing to do in Chicago this Friday)
- Marie Losier presents "In My Pocket" - NYC August 15
- MassArt Film Society July 19th
- MassArt Film SOciety SHow June 28th Anger, Ono, Schneemann
- MAssARt Film Society Tomorrow night and July 19th!!
- Matt Mc in NYC
- Maxwell, Wittgenstein, Sacks... Reading suggestions on color?
- Memorial Service for Diane Bonder
- metaphors on vision
- Miami Beach This Weekend (don't miss it)
- Miami Beach Venue Info
- MicroCineFest - Call For Entries deadline extended
- Microcinema Workshop at Allied Media Conference
- microfilm printer - a notion
- Millennium Film Journal on Ebay
- mistaken posting
- Monkeys like Becky
- More AIVF (bad) news
- more sales...
- Morse G-3
- Moving to Columbus, Ohio - USA
- Napoleon
- Need help with Chick Strand title
- Netflix and filmmaker royalties
- netflix royalties
- neumade rewinds - the only game in town?
- New Beach Beast Notes / Festival News
- New Nothing Cinema THURSDAY NIGHT
- New Orleans -- Katrina -- films
- New Oskar Fischinger DVD release
- No takers on Svema news
- No takers on Svema news (2)
- NYC b/w reversal processing
- Ocularis - 10th Anniversary Screening (June 26)
- Onion City film festival opens Thursday! (for those in/near Chicago)
- Onion City schedule announced
- Open Zone Call for Submissions
- oxberry optical printer riddle
- Parker Tyler reference
- pathology of film
- Philadelphia Classic Avant-Garde Animation Screening Friday 6/9 8PM
- Philippe Garrel
- phone # for CUFF?
- Phones on supper club tables
- Photos of Christopher St. Piers
- pillarboxing.
- pillarboxing?
- please try out my new compression for the film Working Portraits (link not public yet)
- Poetique de la couleur
- Polymer Video Show at the Hunter Museum of American Art
- Portuguese videos on tour
- Position Announcement
- Poétique De La Couleur
- Poétique De La Couleur / (Last Angel o f History)
- Precision Film Lab?
- Printing technique in Piece Touchee (Martin Arnold)
- projecting outdoors
- projectors....
- quick mini dv tapes
- Rabbit's Moon Song
- re labels
- RE; Tank
- Rebecca Baron contact
- Reel Venus Film Festival - Final Deadline - Call For Entries
- Refracted Lens | all-women music vids at the Pioneer, NYC 7/25/06
- Refracted Lens | all-women's videos TONIGHT at the Pioneer, NYC
- Renting a Super 8mm XENON projector in N.Y.
- Research in Super 8
- research: video collectives
- Restoring Appearances to Order in 12 Minutes
- Robert Todd contact
- rooftop at navy yard sat 26th - nyc
- s8 cartridge opener thingie
- Sad news from Toronto
- San Diego Women Film Festival 2006 Call For Entries
- Sans Soliel: At least they will see the black.
- Schwind and Svema (answer to my query)
- Screening this Sunday + Sad news from Toronto
- ScreenSite
- searching for new directions
- seeking Jon Gartenberg
- seeking Trevor Fife
- September New Releases from Microcinema International
- Sergei Loznitsa
- Sergei Loznitsa, Eve Heller, Michelle Smith
- Series 9 retaining ring
- Seventeen Screening in Berkeley
- Seville happenings
- SF/Berkeley visit (looking for couch)
- Sherwin
- Sherwin in Paris
- Shohei Imamura
- Shoot Shoot Shoot Shoot Shoot Never Stop
- short recent animation..
- short work about Joan of Arc
- short work about Joan of Arc / song of bernadette
- Sidney Peterson at the Harvard Film Archive
- Single 8 Processing
- SLOW SPACE premiere
- Small gauge in New Orleans?
- Sondheim and Thornton at Bergamont Center
- sound bulbs
- sound in films
- Special Ocularis Announcement !
- Spool film
- Stan Brakhage's "23rd Psalm Branch" in Chicago on Saturday
- Standardised Submissions Form
- Standardized Call for Work
- Stephanie Gray search
- Submission fees (Was: The Tank, Tanked, Anthology, etc.)
- suggestions for a CAMCORDER???
- sunday screening in london
- super 8 in Mexico City
- Supporting Ann Arbor
- Suzan Pitt contact
- Svema 16mm
- Svema 16mm film (Olex msg)
- Tanked
- Tanked (good vs evil)
- tape or cement splices????
- thanks for posner email address
- the 26mm lens need.
- The JSF named on Best Magazines of 2005 list
- The Magic Lantern Poster Series.
- The Orgone Archive in Chicago! This Weekend! Two Shows! First Show =
- The Orgone Archive in Chicago! This Weekend! Two Shows! Second Show =
- The Psychoacoustic Geographers and Europe.
- The Tank
- The Tank (series' fees)
- The Tank: Enjoy!
- This week [August 13 - 20, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [August 20 - 27, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [August 27 - September 3, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [August 6 - 13, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [July 16 - 23, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [July 2 - 9, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [July 23 - 30, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [July 30 - August 6, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [July 9 - 16, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [June 11 - 18, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [June 18 - 25, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [June 24 - July 2, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [June 4 - 11, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [May 14 - 21, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [May 21 - 28, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [May 28 - June 4, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- This week [May 7 - 14, 2006] in avant garde cinema
- three films being preserved on film
- Thursday & Saturday @ Petit Versailles NYC
- To canadians (colonial term) and others-Copyright Email and Letter
- Towards a new narrative film form
- trapped in the closet ...
- Travelling Europe - Portugal
- Triadic Ballet By Oskar Schlemmer
- Tribeca postmortem?
- Trin Min Hah
- truth in labeling
- UK Steenbecks
- Urban Research selection at cogcollective, London
- Urban Research selection at Rote Loge Berlin
- utopia experimental film program 2nd year-submission
- values/quality/good or bad
- Vancouver: Animated Bike-In, August 17th
- venues in denver?
- Venues in Iceland?
- video conversion question
- Video Letter by Shuji Terayama & Shuntaro Tanikawa
- Video Performance 05.13.06 119 Gallery, Lowell, MA
- video performance artist at wikipedia
- video projector for small-ish exhibition space?
- Views from the Avant - Garde
- views from the avant-garde
- Viola
- Volunteer Coordinator for Cinematexas
- Warren Sonbert query
- WEDS 23rd AUG - Roxy Presents... INTERMIX05
- What happens when you paint the negative?
- Will Hindle
- William Hindle and the cans of vinegar
- witchie movies
- witchie tips
- Withouabox
- WPA\C Experimental Media Series Calls for Entries - Jurors Paul Roth & Peggy Parsons
- xenon projector help needed
- Yamazaki and Koike
Last message date: Thu Aug 31 2006 - 23:39:12 PDT
Archived on: Fri Sep 01 2006 - 01:00:11 PDT
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