From: Cari Machet (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jun 25 2006 - 09:12:12 PDT
great thoughts shelly
thank you
On 6/25/06, shelly silver <email suppressed> wrote:
> >
> >Judges' Statement:
> >"We want to call attention to the underrepresentation of women in this
> year's
> >festival. While it is not uncommon in both mainstream and alternative
> >media festivals for the makers to be mainly men, we are aware of the
> >multitudes of exceptional female experimental filmmakers, both here and
> >abroad. Hence their relative absence at Onion City, and in our own awards
> >roster, took
> >us by surprise. Here's hoping for more equal representation in future
> years."
> >
> >we all agreed on the wording of this statement. and i know we all also
> >agreed that in past years there has been more equal representation, and
> >that we thought your programming was excellent. so i hope you don't take
> >this statement too much to heart. it was just something we felt it was
> >important to point out.
> >thanks again for including me in one of the best festival experiences
> i've
> >had.
> >-jennifer
> hey all:
> as far as i'm concerned, the above is not an accusation or an
> indictment of the onion city festival, far from it (it's actually a
> 'hope'). the statement makes an observation about the paucity of
> women filmmakers showing at a particular festival in a particular
> year, and raises a simple question 'why weren't there more?' this is
> a perfectly valid question for members of a jury to raise and
> statements like this are quite common in jury's remarks. i'd think
> it would be up to the organizers of the festival, if they found it
> useful, to fill in any pertinent details - to explain more of the
> outreach process, the submissions received as well as the selection
> procedure.
> i also think that putting it out on a list like this where hundreds
> of curators, organizers and filmmakers will read and discuss it is
> perfectly appropriate and for me, very interesting, as it makes us
> all reflect on possible problems - problems that may not exist (as
> several people on the list seem to feel) or may not necessarily be
> directly connected to this particular festival. jury's remarks are,
> in my experience, always made public - they are typically read during
> the awards ceremony, quoted in the press and published in catalogues.
> the statements (as is the one above) are understood to be from the
> point of view of the members of the jury. one can agree or disagree
> with this statement - why it has been taken as an inappropriate
> frameworks statement completely escapes me.
> best,
> shelly
> ps: i personally feel that gender bias in our society is alive and well.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.